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"Language as a medium represents and transports gender binarity. The gender relationship is constructed through the perception of (gender) perception" (Luhmann 1997: 207).


Our daily language shows an absence of people who live in non-binary systems, or who identify themselves as non-binary and thus fall out of the category of the so-called "normal".
They cannot or do not want to meet the requirements of heteronormativity. Heteronormative language produces and fixes injustice. It standardizes behaviour and social expectations in relation to heterosexuality and belonging to a strict gender binary. And this necessarily implies oppression.

"As we tell[hear] stories about the lives of others, we learn how to imagine what another creature might feel in response to various events. At the same time, we identify with the other creature and learn something about ourselves."
[Martha C. Nussbaum]

Austria concluded a recruitment agreement with Turkey in 1964 and with the former Yugoslavia in 1966 in order to recruit workers. "Guest workers" came and stayed. In the 1990s, the collapse of Yugoslavia brought in numerous refugees who also stayed. Within the "foreign" resident population, the largest group (37.7 percent) comes from the countries of the former Yugoslavia. [http://www2.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at] Around 48% of these are women*.

“As we tell[hear] stories about the lives of others, we learn how to imagine what another creature might feel in response to various events. At the same time, we identify with the other creature and learn something about ourselves.”
[Martha C. Nussbaum]

Frauen*, die Musik machen, werden größtenteils immer noch in der Reihenfolge definiert: zuerst als Frau* und dann erst als Musiker*in. Popmusik ist nach wie vor männlich* dominiert, das zeigt das SR Archiv österreichischer Popularmusik, das heuer seine über zwei Jahrzehnte aufgebaute Datenbank analysiert hat.

The GIRLS ROCK CAMP is over.

Seventeen participants, six of whom did NOT play a musical instrument before the camp, came from Vienna, Lower Austria and Upper Austria and formed 4 BANDs with stunning names: "La Sabotage", "Fox Fatal", "Grandma's Three Words", "Page 13"

Video of the final evening NOW ONLINE - Design DORF-TV

Fotoalbum auf Facebook

DORFTV - broadcast - created at the camp by the participants

Radio FRO - special report on GirlsRockCamp with interviews with the participants


Siebzehn Teilnehmer_innen, sechs von ihnen haben KEIN Musikinstrument vor dem Camp gespielt, sie kamen aus Wien, Niederösterreich und Oberösterreich und haben 4 BANDs gegründet mit den umwerfenden Namen: "La Sabotage", "Fox Fatal", "Grandma's Three Words", "Page 13"

Video vom Abschlußabend JETZT ONLINE - Gestaltung DORF-TV

Fotoalbum auf Facebook

DORFTV - Sendung - gestaltet am Camp von den Teilnehmer_innen

Cruise on the St. Nicholas on June 27, 2015

A photo gallery of the 2015 cruise was snapped for us by Petra Moser.

DORFTV was also there. Shipping experts Nicola Abler-Rainalter, Iris Kästel and Martha Egger provided information on the preliminary round of talks. Link to the expert talk (55min)

Jerneja Zavec has put together a sound collage of the boat trip for us. Sound collage (16min)


Workshops, films, protest labs, concerts, performances, book presentations and open DJ decks will take place in the courtyard of the Brückenkopf building/ East for 3 days

by practicing the dissolution of existing gender and power relations. We talk about: Work(s), technologies, love, economies, politics, and bodies as forms of the (im)possible. We think about strategies to deal with racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and exploitation.

Admission and participation: free of charge and without registration


Im Hof des Brückenkopfgebäudes/ Ost finden 3 Tage Workshops, Filme, Protestlabore, Konzerte, Performances, Buchpräsentation und Open DJ-Decks Platz.

indem wir die Auflösung geltender Geschlechter- und Machtverhältnisse üben. Wir reden über: Arbeit(en), Technologien, Liebe, Ökonomien, Politiken, und Körper als Formen des (Un)Möglichen. Wir überlegen uns Strategien, um mit Rassismen, Sexismen, Homophobie, Transphobie und Ausbeutung um zu gehen.

Eintritt und Teilnahme: kostenfrei und ohne Anmeldung

Adresse f.u.k.c.

Hauptplatz 5–6 |
 4020 Linz | Ex-Strafsachenstelle, Brückenkopfgebäude/Ost, 
(Eingang neben dorftv)

A pink noise Girls Rock Camp is all about music. At the beginning of the camp week, you can try out bass, guitar, drums, keyboard, electronics and vocals in our instrument courses. For the rest of the week, you will rehearse with your newly formed band and your band coaches, who will be at your side throughout the week. At the big final concert at the end of the week, you will take to the stage and present your new songs! In addition, there are many workshops on the subject of music: video, musical stories, stage, performance, concert event, effects equipment, sound engineering, and much more

Here's the registration form! (Registration period from 8.4. to 30.5.)

Bei einem pink noise Girls Rock Camp dreht sich alles um Musik. Am Beginn der Camp-Woche kannst du in unseren Instrumentenkursen Bass, Gitarre, Schlagzeug, Keyboard, Electronics und Gesang ausprobieren. Den Rest der Woche probst du mit deiner neu gegründeten Band und deinen Bandcoaches, die dir die ganze Woche zur Seite stehen. Bei dem großen Abschlusskonzert am Ende der Woche, stehst du auf der Bühne und präsentierst deine neuen Songs! Darüber hinaus gibt es viele Workshops rund um das Thema Musik: Video, Musical Herstories, Bühne, Performance, Konzertveranstaltung, Effektgeräte, Tontechnik, uvm.

Hier geht’s zur Anmeldung! (Anmeldezeitraum von 8.4. bis 30.5.)

We are delighted to present the FIFTITU% annual review 2014 with this wonderful poster: TA...TA...TA...TAAA...

Focus of the year 2014 "Feminist concert of wishes"

Music is a socially widely recognized and at the same time contested space of representation. As such, it is also a projection surface for a wide variety of wishes and ideas that should be used to actively promote discussion and discourse on gender symmetry. Feminism is to be seen as a lateral/queer position to the structural guidelines in the musical male-male stream. FIFTITU%
's engagement with the field of music has already run through many years of feminist debate Download - at the END

Cruise on the MS Helene on June 29, 2014

A photo gallery of the 2014 cruise was snapped for us by Petra Moser.

The experts were guests on DORFTV on the eve of the cruise. Helene Grießlehner, Ulli Mayer and Birgit Michlmayr in conversation about music and women in pop culture. Link to the expert talk (60min)

Jerneja Zavec has put together a sound collage of the boat trip for us. (15min)