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Looking for funding? FIFTITU% provides information on about current calls for proposals in arts and culture.

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The feminist newsletter provides information about FIFTITU%'s current activities at irregular intervals.

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Workshop by FIFTITU% for students at the University of Art and Design Linz

We venture together into the dense jungle of art and cultural funding. Here you will get an overview of the various types of funding in Austria, from the Art University species to the federal level. Where can I apply? What should my application look like? What is a cost/time plan? What do I have to consider with the individual funding bodies? You are welcome to bring your own questions on the subject with you.

Presenters: Oona Valarie Serbest and Amina Lehner from FIFTITU%

Date: Tue, May 18, 2021, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Hybrid (live stream from the time-based living room)

LV no.: 505.510 / Credits: 1 ECTS

squeezed up

The media artist Đejmi Hadrović works in the fields of video, photography, installation and performance. We recently met virtually for a ZOOM interview. We talked about her interest in post-Yugoslavian feminism and her artworks. She also tells us what has changed since they made the film YU? [why you?] has changed in her life and why she is in favor of a "production break" in the current Covid situation. At the very end, we clarify the question of what makes a diva and whether she sees herself as such.

We conducted the interview in English.


squeezed up

Our bridge is female!

There are 1,152 street names in the city of Linz and only 4% of them are named after women. The new Danube Bridge will open in Linz in 2021 and FIFTITU% has launched a campaign calling for the bridge to be named after a woman*.
For example, the first Austrian Minister for Women's Affairs and bridge builder Johanna Dohnal: "The Dohnal Bridge" for equal rights

The Greens have taken up FIFTITU%'s proposal and submitted a motion to the municipal council to name the bridge after a woman.

My reality is (a) Drag!
Workshop on the performance of identities and self-expression

Online workshop with Alice Moe
Fri, December 3, 2021, 20:00 - 22:00, online (via ZOOM)

Go here to register

My reality is (a) Drag!
Workshop on the performance of identities and self-expression

Online workshop with Alice Moe
Wed, April 28, 2021, 12:00 - 15:00, online (via ZOOM)

Go here to register

In our society, women* are still (structurally) discriminated against in the labor market. For example, men* are overrepresented wherever power and money are involved, while women* are overrepresented where unpaid and often unappreciated care work is concerned. This fact is addressed by the Women's Office of the City of Linz in an online campaign designed by FIFTITU%.

Dacid Go8lin aka Dafina Sylejmani aka Duffy was referred to as "the rapper" in an article by C/O Vienna Magazine. The artist likes this pronoun because she doesn't want to be pigeonholed by identity. In our interview, dier rapper emphasizes this and shares a few words with us. Duffy has been active for a long time. Not just in rap, but also in the fight for equality.

squeezed up

The Greek artist Aimilia Liontou was recently awarded the Chamber of Labor Art Prize for her project "Utravel". As she currently lives in Linz, we took the opportunity to interview her. In the interview, conducted in English, she tells us about her award-winning artwork, but also how the corona measures affect her work as an artist.

[clear throat] Once again it has happened. Once again, the Upper Austrian Provincial Culture Prizes have been awarded to men* without exception.

And because this is not the first time this has happened, we would like to say a few new/old words about the case.

The Upper Austrian Culture Prize has a long tradition. it was first awarded in 1961. It took until 1975 (!) for a female* artist to be honored...

The renowned visual artist Waldtraud Cooper was the first. It then took another 9 years before Brigitte Schwaiger was chosen for her literary work.

Having a voice!
Voice and speech training

2-part online workshop with Elisa Andessner
Thu, February 18, 2021, 14:00 - 15:30, Online (via ZOOM)
Sat, February 20, 2021, 14:00 - 15:30, Online (via ZOOM)

Go here to register