Support our commitment to improving the framework conditions for women* in art and culture!
Membership includes access to annual exclusive member workshops and our mentoring programs.
Membership fee* (only for women, inter, non-binary, trans, agender) € 15.-
*Voluntary overpayment of the fee is possible :)
Supporter fee (all physical and legal persons) from € 20.-
Account details
HYPO OÖ in the name of Fiftitu
IBAN AT59 5400 0000 0038 7795
Payment reference: "Membership fee" or "Support fee" + [year] + [name] + [email address]
- By transferring the annual membership fee, you confirm that we may store your name and list you as a member.
- If you would like to receive our newsletter, which informs you about current program projects and feminist perspectives and positions, please register here: Subscribe to our newsletter
- Donations are also always ♥-lich willkommen!