FIFTITU% supports FLINTA* of all disciplines in artistic projects and careers. We offer free consultations and workshops for individuals, groups, national and international artists, students, collectives, project initiators, the self-employed, freelancers, cultural institutions and associations.
Consultation hours
Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 2 pm
Tuesday: 2 pm - 4 pm
Artists* and women* producing culture can make an appointment with FIFTITU% for consultations at any time, even outside of consultation hours. Please call: +43 732 770353 or send an email: !
Counseling can be done on site, by phone, video chat, email or, under certain circumstances, at your home.
Counseling is free, feminist and confidential!
Visual arts, performing arts, film, photography, media art, literature, music, composition, performance art, dance, architecture, design, illustration
cultural studies, gender studies and creative industries;
German, English, Slovenian, Spanish, French; additional translation services are available.
If you require a barrier-free consultation, we look forward to welcoming you to our branch office, which also has a usable WC room. Please get in touch with us before your consultation appointment by sending an email to
We can then plan the date together accordingly.
FIFTITU% provides support with
- proposal checks for project applications, portfolios and concepts
- implementation of art projects, cultural events and presentations
- searching for financing options and funding
- first consultation on legal issues: rights of use, contracts, copyright, collecting societies and much more
- . and much more
- The path to self-employment: KSVF, SVS, tax office, founding an association and typical employment relationships
- Public authority procedures: Artist visas, permits and much more.
- Training, further education
- Start-up or funding programs
- Returning to the art market
- Art business and parenthood
- Discrimination and multiple discrimination
FIFTITU% mediates & networks
- Stage engagements, Podiums or exhibitions
- Artists and experts locally, regionally, nationally and internationally
- With collectives, networks and other advisory and support structures, e.g. from the fields of education, integration, social work and social services. E.g. from education, integration, social affairs and business.
- Austria-wide networking for FLINTA* people from the arts and culture
FLINTA* is an abbreviation and stands for women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people.
Domgasse 14
A-4020 Linz
The FIFTITU% newsletter informs you at irregular intervals about current projects and provides you with feminist perspectives and positions.
⤷ Subscribe to the newsletter
Support our commitment to improving the conditions for women* in art and culture by becoming a member!
⤷ Become a member* / sponsor*