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EU-Bericht: Towards gender equality in the cultural and creative sectors

EU-Bericht: Towards gender equality in the cultural and creative sectors

FIFTITU% is listed as a best practice organization in the European Commission's "Towards gender equality in the cultural and creative sectors" report.

For the first time, the EU Member States have set gender equality and gender identities as a priority objective in the EU Work Plan for Culture 2019 - 2022. The report focuses primarily on how this can be achieved in the cultural and creative sectors (CCS):

This report of the OMC (open method of coordination) working group of Member States' experts focuses on the role that culture plays in promoting gender equality and, more importantly, how to achieve gender equality within the cultural and creative sectors (CCS). The EU Member States identified gender equality for the first time as a priority for action in the Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022. Indeed, there are many reasons that this topic should receive the attention it deserves. Gender equality is a core value of the EU fundamental rights and a key principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights. It is also a precondition for cultural diversity. The promotion of gender equality and the fight against gender discrimination are twin goals of the EU, including in culture.
