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The feminist newsletter provides information about FIFTITU%'s current activities at irregular intervals.

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squeezed up

In memory of the Linz architect and artist Gabriele Heidecker, the Green Party of Linz awarded the Women* Art Prize for the seventh time this year. This was initiated and endowed by City Councillor Eva Schobesberger.

We are visible! Feminist interventions on the Linz Women's Report

Meeting point: 8 pm (sharp!) Linz main square / Neptune fountain

Women's suffrage was fought for 100 years ago, the abortion solution 40 years ago, in 2019 Austria had a female chancellor for the first time but never a female president. On average, women* in Austria still receive 43% less pension and in 2016, women* in Linz only earned 61% of the gross salary of men* in Linz. Linz has never had a female mayor and throughout Austria there are more mayors called Josef than female mayors in total. These are just some of the facts that prove that women* are still structurally disadvantaged in Linz and that both their demands and their promotion must be taken seriously!

We cordially invite you to the 2nd Linz Dyke March!

This demo traditionally takes place one day before the big Pride to once again draw special attention to the visibility of women* who identify as lesbian, bi, pan, genderfluid / trans and who (also) love women/*.
This year also specifically flint people in the community, drag kings* & sex workers. Allies also welcome.

Meeting point: June 28, 7 pm, Hosi Linz (Schillerstraße 49)
We will then walk quite punctually towards Hauptplatz (Schillerstraße - Südtirolerstraße - Landstraße - Hauptplatz) and merge with We are visible ! Feminist interventions on the Linz Women's Report.

We look forward to seeing you! Let's March, Dykes*!

In the current issue, we focus on articles on the topic of "100 years of women's suffrage in Austria". We broadcast excerpts from the opening of the exhibition 100 Years of Women's Suffrage - "They mean it politically", which took place in the Old Town Hall in Linz at the beginning of May.

We are many

Our society is a pluralistic assembly in which many different interests come together. Coexistence in a democracy must be renegotiated on a daily basis: It is about everyone, about each individual as a being of many possibilities.

We see art and culture and their institutions as open spaces - spaces that make diversity and ambiguity tangible.

In Austria, art has already been defamed as degenerate. Art and culture were misused for inhuman propaganda purposes. People were devalued, robbed of their livelihoods, persecuted, expelled and murdered. As art and cultural actors in Austria, we are aware of the responsibility resulting from history.

FIFTITU% initiates, demands and promotes free spaces and sees itself as a driving force in the cultural shaping of participation and equality:
  • FIFTITU% is a public forum for artists, cultural workers and cultural managers
  • FIFTITU% is a clearly audible mouthpiece that draws public attention to the quality and scope of female* cultural production
  • FIFTITU% demands that political decision-makers take cultural and women's*political measures to improve the framework conditions for women* in terms of production, presentation and reception
  • FIFT
Join us in erecting the summit cross!

Film project in the Salzkammergut

Put up the first female summit cross in the Salzkammergut!

Saturday, June 22, 10 am (only in good weather, alternative date: June 29, 10 am)

The IG Filmkultur and all signatories of the open letter demand that the Federal Minister for EU, Arts, Culture and Media Gernot Blümel appoint qualified experts for innovative film to the advisory board for film funding in the Federal Chancellery and to observe gender parity:

Sign the petition here

Open letter:

Dear Minister Blümel,

We urge you to reconsider the new appointment of the advisory board members of Department II/3 - Film of the BKA and thus continue the success story of this film funding.

RED lines - connected

A performative - participative installation as part of the cycle UEBER_LEBEN at the KÜNSTLERHAUS in Vienna by Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki

squeezed up

You can listen to an interview with the artist Andreea Vladut. We spoke to her about "Klageweib" and the role of women in professional mourning work in Romania. Vladut deals with this topic in her artistic work and has documented the experiences of her grandmother, Evaneta Băbărelu.
This interview can be heard in English.


squeezed up