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The GIRLS ROCK CAMP is over.

Seventeen participants, six of whom did NOT play a musical instrument before the camp, came from Vienna, Lower Austria and Upper Austria and formed 4 BANDs with stunning names: "La Sabotage", "Fox Fatal", "Grandma's Three Words", "Page 13"

Video of the final evening NOW ONLINE - Design DORF-TV

Fotoalbum auf Facebook

DORFTV - broadcast - created at the camp by the participants

Radio FRO - special report on GirlsRockCamp with interviews with the participants

squeezed up

The pink noise Girls Rock Camp is a music and band project week for girls* and young women* between the ages of 14 and 24 during the summer vacations. They have the opportunity to take part in workshops (writing songs, organizing concerts, live technology, stage performances, etc), instrument courses and band rehearsal units. This week, around 4 new bands will be formed in the Ann&Pat youth culture box.

Rosa Danner, journalist, event organizer and media educator was a guest at REDESCHWALL - DAS OTTENSHEIMER SOUNDGESPRÄCH in July.



squeezed up

The Gabriele Heidecker Women's Art Prize, endowed with €5,000, went to the artist Susanne Jirkuff this year. She was awarded the Gabriele Heidecker Women's Prize for her project "GIRLS_GINNY+GRACE".

For the first time this year, the jury also awarded a commendation. This goes to the Linz-based artist Elisa Andessner for her photo series "Surrender to Spaces."


surrendered to spaces

Cruise on the St. Nicholas on June 27, 2015

A photo gallery of the 2015 cruise was snapped for us by Petra Moser.

DORFTV was also there. Shipping experts Nicola Abler-Rainalter, Iris Kästel and Martha Egger provided information on the preliminary round of talks. Link to the expert talk (55min)

Jerneja Zavec has put together a sound collage of the boat trip for us. Sound collage (16min)

squeezed up

This year, maiz once again hosted a city tour "On the trail of sex work in Linz" on June 2, International Whores' Day. This was followed by a discussion entitled "Whores and Other Feminists".

The neo-abolitionist approach defines prostitution as sexual exploitation. This is how it is represented by the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW). And further, as an act of victimization of all women and a violation of human rights - prostitution is paid rape and a pathological outgrowth of patriarchy. The women in sex work were therefore not acting voluntarily. Prostitution must therefore be abolished.


A comment by Michaela Schoissengeier on the criteria for a scholarship of 3000€. The Mannagetta Foundation only awards 20 scholarships to men with Austrian citizenship, a Roman Catholic religion and whose parents must live in Lower Austria.



squeezed up

"The Empress Club" is a unique music series in Austria that has been bringing international female talent with a focus on bass culture such as hip hop, grime, reggae, dancehall, funk, soul etc. to the stages of Linz since 2013. This club series was initiated and curated by artists Sandra Krampelhuber and Oona Valarie Serbest for Stadtwerkstatt.

We interviewed Sandra Krampelhuber, one of the initiators and curators of Empress Club. She tells us what has happened at Empress Club over the last two years: what events and workshops have been held, which artists have been guests and what plans they have for the future.



FIFTITU% is cooperating with 2 years of The Empress Club and this must be celebrated in style!

For this special occasion we are bringing the Queen of Arab Hip Hop Malikah to Linz and for the first time to Austria!

squeezed up

The first Feminism and Riot Camp with the subtitle utopian fantasies and queer-feminist actions took place in Linz this year from March 5 to 7 as part of Feminism and Riot. One day later, on March 8, International Women's Day was celebrated on Linz's main square. You can listen to a sound collage of the happenings at the first Feminism and Riot Camp and the actions on International Women's Day



May 6 to 8, 2015 Aula, University of Art and Design Linz, Hauptplatz 8

Images of sexualized violence are present in almost all media and surround us every day. They represent a part of the political space, making the question of how images of sexualized violence are used to govern highly controversial. The conference will discuss the visualization of sexualized violence across disciplines. With reference to queer-feminist re/presentation politics, the aim is to explicitly intervene in the production of future ideas/images of sexualized violence.