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FIFTITU% supports FLINTA✰ of all disciplines in artistic projects and careers.

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Looking for funding? FIFTITU% provides information on about current calls for proposals in arts and culture.

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The feminist newsletter provides information about FIFTITU%'s current activities at irregular intervals.

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squeezed up

Music, performance and theater are the areas in which Sara Trawöger feels at home. At the time of our interview, she was in Germany with her performance VERDACHTSFLÄCHE ALTLAST. We therefore met up virtually for a ZOOM interview.
She told us more about her performance and her artistic work with the band La Sabotage and in her solo project Abrupt.
Abrupt @ Tresor Linz - July 2020


5-2 Minutes - queer-feminist news

Online conference "QUE(E)RULIERT! Practices of Disruption in Art / Media / Science"
02.07. - 03.07.2021

Institute for Art and Visual Culture, C. v. O. University of Oldenburg

Interactive online workshop by FIFTITU%
Friday, July 2, 2021, 14:45 - 16:15

Moderation: Sylvia Sadzinski (Berlin)
Team: Rebekka Hochreiter, Amina Lehner, Ayan Rezaei, Oona Valarie Serbest, Gitti Vasicek (Linz)

Is it possible to create a QUE(E)RULIERT! Zine format with all participants and guests about the anniversary conference?

We are the Golden Revolution! 100 years in 100 minutes #008 - a polymedial living installation by starsky*

9. - July 11, 2021
Studio House of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna / Semper Depot
Lehárgasse 8, Gate 1, 1060 Vienna

"Who am I anyway?": Biographical self-portrayal in a small format
Writing lab for female artists*

Online workshop with Julia Pühringer
Fri, December 10, 2021, 10:00 - 12:00, Online (via ZOOM)

Here to register

Voice, body tension & conversational hierarchies -
Polyphony in times of increased online/screen presence

Online workshop with Wiltrud Katherina Hackl
Fri, December 17, 2021, 16:00 - 19:00, Online (via ZOOM)

Here to register

Gender & Design:
Recognize codes and stereotypes, develop gender-sensitive strategies and perspectives

Online workshop with Claudia Herling
Fri, June 18, 2021, 10:00 - 13:00, Online (via ZOOM)

Here to register

squeezed up

FIFTITU% re-launched the old-new website at the beginning of May. We spoke to FIFTITU% board members Amina Lehner and Gitti Vasicek and managing director Oona Valarie Serbest about the current collection of materials. They report on the quota for women* in cultural institutions at city and state level and on aspects of the content of the website "The quota - a provocation".



Renaming Glaubackerstraße to Agathe-Doposcheg-Schwabenau-Straße for one day

Sat, May 29, 2021, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Glaubackerstraße 1, 4040 Linz

"The FEMALE* UPGRADE project is calling for the renaming of Glaubackerstraße in Linz to Agathe-Doposcheg-Schwabenau-Straße. The artistic-symbolic act of a ceremonial upgrading is intended to result in a real renaming of the street. The aim is also to make visible an artist who made a socially significant contribution to the Linz art scene around 1900. The renaming removes the avowed National Socialist and artist Franz Glaubacker from the cityscape in order to pay public homage to Agathe Doposcheg-Schwabenau." To the website CLICK HERE

Workshop by FIFTITU% for students at the University of Art and Design Linz

We venture together into the dense jungle of art and cultural funding. Here you will get an overview of the various types of funding in Austria, from the Art University species to the federal level. Where can I apply? What should my application look like? What is a cost/time plan? What do I have to consider with the individual funding bodies? You are welcome to bring your own questions on the subject with you.

Presenters: Oona Valarie Serbest and Amina Lehner from FIFTITU%

Date: Tue, May 18, 2021, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Hybrid (live stream from the time-based living room)

LV no.: 505.510 / Credits: 1 ECTS

squeezed up

The media artist Đejmi Hadrović works in the fields of video, photography, installation and performance. We recently met virtually for a ZOOM interview. We talked about her interest in post-Yugoslavian feminism and her artworks. She also tells us what has changed since they made the film YU? [why you?] has changed in her life and why she is in favor of a "production break" in the current Covid situation. At the very end, we clarify the question of what makes a diva and whether she sees herself as such.

We conducted the interview in English.


squeezed up