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FIFTITU% supports FLINTA✰ of all disciplines in artistic projects and careers.
Look at newsbase.at
Looking for funding? FIFTITU% provides information on newsbase.at about current calls for proposals in arts and culture.
Subscribe to the newsletter
The feminist newsletter provides information about FIFTITU%'s current activities at irregular intervals.
We are pleased to invite you again to this year's "Schwimmfisch", this time as a networking picnic, on the Danube beach in Alt Urfahr (after the "Goldenes Schiff" inn).
We will take the space to network in a relaxed outdoor setting, swim with or against the current, exchange news, reflect on current women's political developments, dream up improvements, spin ideas and follow spontaneous desires
Drinks, fruit salad and small snacks will be provided, any other food you bring along will expand the offer and is very welcome.
You are welcome to bring interested friends with you.
In case of bad weather, the event will be canceled.
We look forward to seeing you there!
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You can listen to an interview with Mahriah Zimmermann. She is a human rights activist and deals with net politics in combination with feminism, among other things. As part of "Smartonomy. Mobility without Fingerprints?", an event organized by the media department of the University of Art and Design Linz in cooperation with Servus.at, FIFTITU% and Feminismus&Krawall on June 8 in Linz, where she held a workshop entitled "Feminist Crypting: Email Encryption". Among other things, she told us why the encryption of emails is important.
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Where? Infobeisl in the Willy*Fred House, Graben 3, 4020 Linz
We invite you to watch international women* films with us - in original languages with subtitles or interpreters.
On June 24 at 3 pm, the second film screening will take place at Graben 3 in Linz at Infobeisl.
Film: Stone of Patience (D: Atiq Rahimi, 2012)
Afterwards we look forward to discussing the film in a relaxed atmosphere!
Dear women*, dear friends!
On Wednesday, June 21, 2017, there will be another discussion round as part of our language project entitled "Non-discriminatory sensitive language". This time, we will be addressing the topic of "Political Correctness".
We will meet again at the Infobeisl in the Willy*Fred Haus, Am Graben 3 in Linz, at 5.00 pm, and we will discuss until around 6.30 pm.
The cooperation project between FIFTITU%, the Tricky Women Animated Film Festival and Moviemento Kino brings AnimationFilmArtby women* to Linz on two evenings. Under the maxim "Getting closer", structures, dynamics and individual parts of social developments will be examined more closely and interests, circumstances and modes of action behind various categorizations will be questioned.
22 June: Programme: Migration / Family
The cooperation project between FIFTITU% and the Tricky Women Animation Film Festival has been showing animation film art by women* curated by Birgitt Wagner and Waltraud Grausgruber from Tricky Women in Upper Austria since 2017.
On May 31, 2017, there will be another round table discussion as part of our language project entitled "Non-discriminatory sensitive language".
This time on the topic "Who has the power to change language?"
We will meet again at the Infobeisl in the Willy*Fred Haus, Am Graben 3 in Linz, at 5.00 pm, and we will discuss until around 6.30 pm.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Illustration: Silke Müller
Smartonomy. Mobility without Fingerprints?
Practices of digital self-organization between surveillance and autonomy
June 07- 08, 2017 University of Art and Design Linz, Living Room Time-based Media, Domgasse 1, 4th floor, DO0458
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This year at the Crossing Europe Film Festival we spoke to Hana Jušić, the director of the film "Quit staring at my plate", which won the CROSSING EUROPE Award "Best fiction" this year. We asked her about her movie and the role of gender in it, as well as in the film industry. We also hear from Amanda Livanou, producer of the film "Park", who we asked about gender in Greece.
Both interviews are in English.
Love everyone!
As you've probably already heard, there's a new women's referendum! We need as many of us as possible to make this project big so that politics can't get around us women*. We therefore urgently need the following support:
1. sign up for the Women's* Referendum newsletter and forward it to as many people as possible who show solidarity! The newsletter keeps people up to date and we can also mobilize people as quickly as possible for actions. Under "Demands" you will find the demands of the new women's referendum: http://frauenvolksbegehren.at/
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