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On the occasion of this year's 8 March the transcultural, women*political association Feminism and Riot once again organized actions in the city centre of Linz. We serve up a review of these


On Wednesday, March 29, 2017, there will be another discussion round as part of our language project entitled "Non-discriminatory language".

This time, we will be focusing on the topic of "Queer and LGBTQIA* linguistics"
- What is queer and LGBTQIA* linguistics? How do we "use" them? How does it work in practice? Why all these asterisks(*)?

We will address these and other similar questions and discuss them with experts on the topic mentioned above.

We will meet again at the Infobeisl in the Willy*Fred Haus, Am Graben 3 in Linz, at 5.00 pm, and we will discuss until around 6.30 pm.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Pension entitlement. Retirement pension. Pension account: How does it all work? What can I expect in later life? We have all received letters with frightening figures about the current status of our pension account in recent years... But what can I look out for now? When am I even entitled to a pension? What effects does international mobility have?

We conducted an interview with the director Carola Mair and one of the protagonists Bianca Braunesberger about the content, the script and the collaboration on the documentary "FLOW: The Creativity Principle".

We interviewed Brigitte Vasicek and Andrea Winter from the transcultural, women*political alliance Feminismus und Krawall. They tell us exactly what the alliance is planning for March 8 - International Women's Day in Linz.

Media anthropologist Susanne Wagner discusses the exhibitions at the Grassimuseum für Völkerkunde Leipzig and the special exhibition on colonialism at the Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin with Radio Corax's Tagesaktuelle editorial team.

It's that time again - on Wednesday, February 15, 2017, there will be another discussion session as part of our language project entitled "Non-discriminatory language".

This time, we will be addressing the topic of "gender-neutrale and/or genderinklusive language"
- what is it, what is the difference, how important is it, why is it important and who needs it?

We will meet again at the Infobeisl in the Willy*Fred Haus, Am Graben 3 in Linz, at 5.00 pm, and we will discuss until about 6.30 pm.

We look forward to seeing you there!

squeezed up

Sharon Dodua Otoo is a Ghanaian-British author, mother, activist and editor who received the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize last year for her text "Herr Gröttrup setzt sich hin". In early December 2016, she was a guest at the conference "UN|GLEICHHEITEN REVISITED - Conceptions and Interventions of Critical Gender Studies" at the University of Art and Design in Linz. There she read a story with geometric shapes.

"Language as a medium represents and transports gender binarity. The gender relationship is constructed through the perception of (gender) perception" (Luhmann 1997: 207).


Our daily language shows an absence of people who live in non-binary systems, or who identify themselves as non-binary and thus fall out of the category of the so-called "normal".
They cannot or do not want to meet the requirements of heteronormativity. Heteronormative language produces and fixes injustice. It standardizes behaviour and social expectations in relation to heterosexuality and belonging to a strict gender binary. And this necessarily implies oppression.

squeezed up

In early December, we attended the 4th annual conference of the Austrian Society for Gender Studies entitled UN|GLEICHHEITEN REVISITED - Conceptions and Interventions of Critical Gender Studies. In addition to numerous speakers, Nikita Dhawan, Professor of Political Theory at the University of Innsbruck, also gave a lecture. We listen to a recording of her lecture "Transnational Justice and Gendered Vulnerability: Feminist Politics and (Im)possible Solidarities". This article is in English.


December 1-3, 2016, Johannes Kepler University Linz & University of Art and Design Linz
Keynotes: Stephanie Seguino (University of Vermont), Nikita Dhawan (University of Innsbruck)

squeezed up

The Marianne.von.Willemer Prize for Digital Media is a direct promotion of female artists. The City of Linz wants to support women who use digital media as a means of artistic expression and at the same time give them the opportunity to present their work to the public. The award is endowed with EUR 3,600 and is presented every two years by the Women's Office of the City of Linz in cooperation with the Ars Electronica Center and with the support of dorf TV.