How will the women's referendum actually continue?
1st step: Collection of declarations of support (registration with the Federal Minister of the Interior will take place on 26 January)
official registration period 12.2. - 12.3.2018
Background: The application to initiate the procedure for a referendum must be supported by one per thousand of the Austrian resident population (currently 8,401 people)
New since 1.1.2018: There are two options for submitting declarations of support for a referendum: (1) in the form of a signature made in person before any municipal authority on the relevant form; (2) via the Internet with a qualified electronic signature ("cell phone signature" or citizen cards).
Austrians living abroad can now also submit a declaration of support using a citizen card function!
PLEASE NOTE: Anyone who has the right to vote in the National Council on the last day of the registration period is entitled to vote in referendums.
2nd step: Submission of the referendum to Interior Minister KicklThe minister sets the registration period. This must be for eight consecutive days and must be announced on the official notice board of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and on the Internet. There must be a period of at least eight weeks between the day of the announcement and the first day of the registration period; furthermore, the registration period may not end later than six months after the day of the announcement. The decision must also include the cut-off date.
Background: Referendums must be signed by at least 100,000 voters or by one sixth of the voters of each of three federal provinces in order to be dealt with in the National Council. (Incidentally, if someone submits a declaration of support, a signature is no longer required for the referendum in the registration procedure, as this is counted
The central information point for Upper Austria is currently:
Barbara Murero-Holzbauer
Association Women's Referendum 2.0
ZVR. 1503460277
c/o DAS PACKHAUS, Marxergasse 24, 1030 Vienna
+43 664 88540220
Donation account: AT40 2011 1837 2146 0700