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FIFTITU% supports FLINTA✰ of all disciplines in artistic projects and careers.

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Looking for funding? FIFTITU% provides information on about current calls for proposals in arts and culture.

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The feminist newsletter provides information about FIFTITU%'s current activities at irregular intervals.

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Online workshop by FIFTITU% for female artists*

Together we will venture into the dense jungle of art and cultural funding. Here you will get an overview of the various types of funding in Austria, from the project funding species to competitions and scholarships to studio grants in theory and practice...
Where can I submit? What should my application look like? What is a cost / time plan? What do I have to consider with the individual funding bodies? You are welcome to bring your own questions on the subject with you.


squeezed up

In 2021, 174 women sought advice from the women's advice center WOMAN. WOMAN's services focus on work, education and social security.
We spoke to WOMAN advisors Anita Eyth and Ana Luz Morales about their services, the importance of women's advice, their network and the current challenges. Finally, they reveal their wishes to us.



Internationaler Frauen*Kampftag - 8. März 2022

Protestaktion, Redner:innen, Soundinstallation Lauter laute Fotzen*, DJs 
Hauptplatz Linz

Fotografie ©️ Violetta Wakolbinger
Produktion: Feminismus & Krawall, FIFTITU%

On March 8, we were once again active as part of the transcultural women*political alliance Feminism and Riot
Bass & Feminisms sent a visible signal for FLINTA and women's rights ✊? ?

At the center of the action was the 6 x 3.5-metre sound installation Lauter laute Fotzen* by Rebekka Hochreiter in kartistic realization with Leonie Reese. The vulvas* were made to pulsate by DJs Tmnit Ghide aka T.Total, Bana & the DJ collective FupaMagic.

HERE you can find the picture gallery

NOTHING GOES WITHOUT US! Demonstration on the occasion of International Women's Day

11.03.2022 | 16:00 ?? Music Theater Linz
Route: Musiktheater
Landstraße Hauptplatz

It's mainly us women who keep the system running. Nevertheless, the costs and burdens are unequally distributed and women do most of the poorly paid or unpaid work. Self-determination over our own bodies is questioned by men and others decide what is right for our children.
The series of violence against women continues and those politically responsible do not want to do anything about it!

We demand security for ALL refugees from ALL countries of origin!
We demand safety for Black people and People of Color in Europe and everywhere!
We demand safety for LGBTIQA* people!
Solidarity with all women, trans and inter people in the fight for peace.

To the solidarity-queerfeminist protest action on International Women's Day, March 8, 2022 on the main square in Linz ✊??

From 17:00 - 21:00 you can expect a vulvinant sound installation as well as great speakers and DJs.

Afterwards you are invited to the Nightline in the Stadtwerkstatt ... with feminism & riot for FLINTA and women's rights!

Writing as a creative tool for all artists
2-part online workshop with Lisa-Viktoria Niederberger

Fri, March 18, 2022, 11:00 - 13:00, online (via ZOOM)
Sat, March 19, 2022, 11:00 - 13:30, Online (via ZOOM)

Here to register

FIFTITU% Strategy 2022 - 2023

FIFTITU% has been a feminist organization committed to the visibility and promotion of women* in art and culture since 1998. The networking and advice center works continuously to implement better conditions for women* in the arts and culture sector. As the only platform of its kind in Austria, FIFTITU% offers not only cultural and women's political work, but also concrete advice and support for professionalization. In this way, FIFTITU% supports women* and queers* in the arts and culture scene to assert themselves and strengthen their position.

International online festival
UNRULY THOUGHTS - on feminisms and beyond
Thursday to Saturday: Jan 27 - 29, 2022

Over the course of three days the online-only event unites feminist voices from Africa and the African diaspora in the various fields of culture, academia and art.

With Minna Salami - Koleka Putuma - Donna P. Hope - Mahen Bonetti - Poetra Asantewa - Karima 2 G - Christelle Oyiri - Toussa - Feminista Jones - Sandra Manuel - Manyano Media - Hawa Kebe | Moderated by Tmnit Ghide aka T.Total

Opening and Livestream : Jan. 27 at 7 PM (19:00) CET
Online-only :
Free Admission!

Romanian multimedia artist Andreea Vlăduț and Austrian multidisciplinary artist Christa Wall are bringing the role of women as moirologists to the fore. In their field research they have focused on Romania, however their theoretical fundament came from different transnational contexts. All this evolved into the exhibition titled From tears to ideas* that took place in November and December in Bucharest, Romania.

Vlăduț and Wall spoke about moiorogist's modus operandi, how this praxis is a feminist one, and which challenges they encountered when tackling this topic and preparing the exhibition and performance.