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squeezed up

On February 12, 2020, the interesting panel discussion "Stand up for equality!" took place at the Willy Fred Haus in Linz.

The discussion was the 2nd part of the 8-part event series "itsup2us" by Radio FRO and dealt with current women's* politics. At the "itsup2us" events, civil society commitment is made visible and demands on politics are publicized.

Sitting on the podium:
Oona Valarie Serbest (Management FIFTITU%), Leonie Kapfer (Institute for Women's and Gender Studies JKU), Abena Twumasi (Chairwoman JAAPO) and Remziye Bogatekin (Institute for Intercultural Pedagogy).

The new Danube bridge will open in Linz in 2021. A recent one-page article in the OÖNachrichten newspaper suggests naming the new bridge after the humanist Johannes Reuchlin.

Film. Talk. Concerts. DJs

"FIFTITU% pres. YU?" and invites you to a brilliant evening at Röda in Steyr on Saturday, February 1.

FIFTITU% pres. the new series: FAT-Talks | Feminism, Art & Technology
A video log recorded in front of a live audience and focusing on feminism, art and culture as well as technology/n through keynote speeches by top-class artists

For the premiere, we are looking forward to Susanne Kirchmayr aka Electric Indigo (Vienna/AT) and Larisa Mann aka Dj Ripley (NY/USA).

What is the idea of queer sound? How to build a synthesizer? Or how to simply create a safer space thought music? We discussed these questions with Zosia Hołubowska, Adele Knall and Violeta Gil from the Sounds Queer? collective.

In the middle of January we visited them in their studio in Vienna. Equipped with gears and posters, the studio offers a space for DJ and synth workshops. Since October 2019, the collective has its own home base, and enthusiasm for enriching the program is thus growing.

Photo: © Tina Bauer

Reyhan Şahin aka Dr. Bitch Ray aka Lady Bitch Ray is a linguist, rapper, performance artist, actor, fashion designer and author. Her new book Yalla, Feminism! was published. In it, she writes about discriminatory experiences as a rapper, Turkish-Muslim Alevi and linguist

On December 6, 2019, she presented Yalla, Feminism! at the University of Art and Design Linz. It was an evening where hip-hop, Fuckademia, intersectional theories, anecdotes and precise analyses came together.

Reyhan Şahin discussed the book with Marie Luise Lehner, also an author and musician in the punk band Shapka.

squeezed up

Beatrice Behn is a cultural journalist, film scholar, film critic and filmmaker. She has more than 10 years of experience as a film critic, including at Kino-Zeit. Behn established herself as a filmmaker in 2018 with her first feature-length documentary "THE ARTIST & THE PERVERT"

The film critic and filmmaker took part in the panel discussion "Frauenfilm: Was soll das sein?" in mid-November. This took place as part of the Frau.Macht.Film Tage in Linz.

squeezed up

Frauen*rechte und Frauen*hass. Antifeminism and the Ethnicization of Violence is the title of a new book by the author collective Fe.In - Feminist Intervention. The co-authors Eike Sanders and Judith Goetz presented their book at the KAPU in Linz at the beginning of October. They talked about the content of the book and explained numerous examples. Anna O. Berg is also part of the aforementioned collective of authors
The book was published this year by Verbrecher Verlag.

Reading Reyhan Şahin aka Dr. Bitch Ray: YALLA FEMINISM !
Talk with the author and Marie Luise Lehner
Music by Bad&Boujee

Reyhan Sahin aka Dr. Bitch Ray honors the Glashörsaal F of the Kunstuni Linz on December 6, 2019 at the invitation of Fiftitu% and the AKG!
We invite you to listen to the explicit language of the doctor from the work "Yalla Feminism!". An evening where hip-hop, fuckademia, intersectional theories, anecdotes and precise analysis meet.
As a woman in everyday academic life, as a Turkish-Muslim Alevi and as a rapper in the hip-hop scene, Reyhan Şahin aka Dr. Bitch Ray knows how commonplace sexism, discrimination and racism are.

This workshop teaches the basics of using social media networks. The focus is on the use for one's own practice as an artist* as well as critical, feminist theory and practical examples regarding communication with (other) dialog groups.

  • Overview of the most important social media channels and their specifications (Twitter, Istagram, Facebook & Co.)

  • Methods of use for working as an artist

  • Creation and optimization of posts, stories, hashtags

  • Image policies and visual language

  • Resource expenditure (channel-specific activity planning, frequencies)