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In early December, we attended the 4th annual conference of the Austrian Society for Gender Studies entitled UN|GLEICHHEITEN REVISITED - Conceptions and Interventions of Critical Gender Studies. In addition to numerous speakers, Nikita Dhawan, Professor of Political Theory at the University of Innsbruck, also gave a lecture. We listen to a recording of her lecture "Transnational Justice and Gendered Vulnerability: Feminist Politics and (Im)possible Solidarities". This article is in English.


December 1-3, 2016, Johannes Kepler University Linz & University of Art and Design Linz
Keynotes: Stephanie Seguino (University of Vermont), Nikita Dhawan (University of Innsbruck)

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The Marianne.von.Willemer Prize for Digital Media is a direct promotion of female artists. The City of Linz wants to support women who use digital media as a means of artistic expression and at the same time give them the opportunity to present their work to the public. The award is endowed with EUR 3,600 and is presented every two years by the Women's Office of the City of Linz in cooperation with the Ars Electronica Center and with the support of dorf TV.

Inter*Trans*Theme Evening Linz @ Moviemento Kino (OK Platz 1, 4020 Linz)

What often begins before birth is the question of our gender. We are constantly deciding between male and female, whether we are applying for a loyalty card, ordering a pizza or simply going to the toilet. What if it's not so clear-cut when it comes to gender?

From September 29 to October 2, 2016, we attended the Feminism and Riot Camp. For today's show, we accompanied a queer feminist rap workshop with Duffy aka DACID GO8LIN and Maira Caixeta. Today we serve up a review of this one.

We listen to the German journalist and political scientist Antje Schrupp in her lecture "On the history and topicality of feminism". She gave this speech as part of the conference: "Positions and perspectives of feminist-oriented girls* work III" in Bredbeck in Germany. This contribution was taken over by RadioBlau from Leipzig.

In memory of Karin Bruns.

Picture: Violetta Wakolbinger

Die "Fahrenden Händler_innen des grenzenlosen Wissens" am 24. September 2016 auf dem Traunsee

Fotographiert hat für uns wieder Petra Moser.




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The traveling traders were back on the Traunsee in 2016 with the ship St. Nikolaus. This year, the speakers gave their keynote speeches on the topic of "boundless knowledge". Brigitte Buchhammer spoke about "Human images as a challenge for feminist philosophy", Sára Bereczki spoke about "Game-theoretical consideration of economic logic". Tania Araujo and Marissa Lôbo spoke about "Philosophizing Queerfeminist - away from hegemonic discourses".

FIFTITU% organized this cruise for the fifth time.


On Saturday, September 24, 2016, the "Traveling Merchants" will once again take to the water. This year, we will be navigating around the concept of "boundless knowledge" with the St. Nikolaus on Lake Traunsee.

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Punkurica 2.0 was an artivist action that took place on several levels. It consisted of a summer school for DJanes, a feminist self-defense workshop and a peer-to-peer feminist counseling meeting. The festival focused exclusively on female*, trans*, non-binary*, genderqueer* and agender* people. The Radical Queer Affinity Collective organized it in Budapest in July. We serve a short reportage about this event.

A full report on Punkurica 2.0 will be featured in the series SPACEfemFM - Women's Radio on September 5, 2016 on Radio FRO.


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After around ten months of an all-male government in the Upper Austrian state parliament, we have finally "got" a woman* in Upper Austria. The new Upper Austrian SPÖ leader Birgit Gerstorfer was also sworn in as a state councillor at the beginning of July.

The Upper Austrian women's government also met in front of the Landhaus on July 7. At this meeting, a man* was sworn in as the provincial councillor for men's affairs and childcare. The topic on which resolutions were passed this time was self-employment/economy/career.