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Heiße Theke | Selecta Ufuk

Hearty invitation to Heiße Theke Domgasse

The Heiße Theke in Domgasse is a meeting place for urban culture that is activated by local hosts and initiatives from the Domgasse neighborhood. On seven evenings during the cold months, a diverse program of art, discourse and live music is created.

The hot counter forms the architectural framework, which folds up during the activations thanks to the modular wooden construction. Between the performances, it functions as a strategically positioned object that invites interaction and also indicates upcoming events.

The Heiße Theke in Domgasse is an open meeting place for urban culture that is activated by local hosts and initiatives from the Domgasse neighborhood. On seven evenings during the cold months, a diverse program of art, discourse and live music is created.

The hot counter forms the architectural framework, which folds up during the activations thanks to the modular wooden construction. Between activations, it functions as a strategically positioned object that invites interaction and also indicates upcoming events.

Street Date | Heiße Theke

★ Heiße Theke Domgasse
Cordial invitation to the street date 🃏
🔜 January 31, 2024

The Heiße Theke in Domgasse is a dynamic meeting place for urban culture that is activated by local hosts and initiatives from the Domgasse neighborhood. On seven evenings during the cold months, a diverse program of art, discourse and live music is created.

When & Where

squeezed up

In today's radio show, we portray the Linz-based artists' collective friends of art. The collective currently consists of four people: Claudia Dworschak, Marion Klimmer, Helga Lohninger and Viktoria Schlögl. We asked them about their projects, in particular the manifesto they created in 2023 entitled PUNKT. In the manifesto, they summarize their many years of experience in the art scene and declare their commitment to resisting the cult of genius in art and promoting collective work.

PUNKT. The manifesto of the friends of art

For women in culture: Fiftitu%'s consultations have tripled since the pandemic

By Nora Bruckmüller, 05. Jänner 2024

The networking center helps women to have a fairer professional life in the arts, 2023 Fiftitu% received the Grand Provincial Cultural Award for Initiative Cultural Work

The joy of receiving the Grand Provincial Cultural Award for Initiative Cultural Work 2023 was great at the Linz networking center Fiftitu%. "Although I think the joy stems more from the recognition for our work than from the financial aspect," says Oona Valarie Serbest, Managing Director of Fiftitu%, about the EUR 7500 prize from the state. It was awarded at the end of December.

★ Heiße Theke Domgasse
Cordial invitation to the street date 🃏
🔜 January 31, 2024

The Heiße Theke in Domgasse is a dynamic meeting place for urban culture that is activated by local hosts and initiatives from the Domgasse neighborhood. On seven evenings during the cold months, a diverse program of art, discourse and live music is created.

When & Where

FIFTITU% Strategy 2024 - 2025


squeezed up

We're thrilled to bring you insights from our recent interview with multimedia artist Andreea Vladut and performer/singer Christa Wall. Back in 2021, we had the pleasure of hosting them, where they shared details about the evolving research project initially named "From Tears to Ideas," now known as Moirologue.

The Fiftitu% Networking Agency for Women* in Art and Culture has been awarded the Grand Provincial Prize for Initiative in Cultural Work.

"Every year, the province of Upper Austria awards Provincial Prizes for Culture and Talent Promotion Awards in various categories in order to recognize and reward artistic creation. "Outstanding artistic creation is a great enrichment for our state," explains Governor Thomas Stelzer: "By bringing this creation to the fore with the presentation of the State Prizes for Culture, we document its importance, which is formative for the image of our state."

The "Grand Provincial Prize for Culture", and thus one of the highest cultural awards in the country, will be awarded in 2023:

Oops, we did it again ... 
FIFTITU% wins the Grand Provincial Cultural Award for Initiative Cultural Work 2023
Celebrate with us


It is with great pleasure that we inform you that FIFTITU% has won the Grand Provincial Cultural Award for Initiative Cultural Work of the Province of Upper Austria. This award is not only our success, but also yours!

As we firmly believe that successes are best celebrated together, we cordially and spontaneously invite you to the celebration. The award ceremony will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, December 19. Afterwards, we would like to toast with you in the new FIFTITU% salon.