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FIFTITU% supports FLINTA✰ of all disciplines in artistic projects and careers.

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Looking for funding? FIFTITU% provides information on about current calls for proposals in arts and culture.

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The feminist newsletter provides information about FIFTITU%'s current activities at irregular intervals.

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Dear friends, colleagues and sympathizers!

Please support us in saving Frauen*land OÖ and spreading our concerns:

Concrete options for action are:

  • You can send an email directly to the decision-makers on our website to express your displeasure
  • You can also support us with a click on the website #frauenlandretten with donations

We are founding the aktionistas* group in Upper Austria.
Become part of the women's* referendum and fight with us. For real equal opportunities. For real self-determination. For real freedom of choice. For women* and for men*.
We will tell you what the women's* referendum is about, how the demands came about and what the future timetable is! There is a lot to do and we want to be on the move together.

Please write to
to register or if you would like more information
We look forward to seeing you!
Monday, 8.1.

Cardijn House, 'Good work - room'

4020 Linz
Kapuzinerstraße 49

squeezed up

We took part in a 2-day workshop "Queer and LGBTIA language in theory and practice" at the beginning of November. The aim was to take measures to establish a non-discriminatory and sensitive use of language. The workshop was organized by FIFTITU%.

We invited Amina Lehner and Anna Tzini, two language experts, to discuss the meaning of language.

This interview can be heard in English.


squeezed up

Podiumsdiskussion "Kepler Salon Extra: Wie wird hier gesprochen?"
mit drei Diskutant_innen:
Vlatka Frketić (Forschung, Erwachsenenbildung),
Persson Perry Baumgartinger (Universität Wien),
Rubia Salgado (Das Kollektiv) 

am 16. November 2017 im Kepler Salon in Linz.

Ein Veranstaltung von FIFTITU% in Kooperation mit dem Kepler Salon Linz.
Gefördert aus Mitteln der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Politische Bildung.

Fotos: © Julia Vogt

squeezed up

October 24, 2017 marked 100 years of the October Revolution. To mark the occasion, the film "Comrade, Where Are You Today? - The Dream of Revolution" by Finnish director Kirsi Marie Liimatainen was shown at Moviemento Linz. We spoke to her in an interview about the content of the aforementioned film, how relevant the ideas of Marxism and socialism are today and the role of feminism and equal rights


@ Kepler Salon, Rathausgasse 3, Linz

Kepler Salon Extra: How do people speak here?

Opportunities and problems of sensitive, non-discriminatory language

With an intersectional perspective, there will be input from the fields of queer linguistics, feminist language, adult education and German as a foreign and second language. The experts will reflect on the necessity, the possibilities, but also the problems of inclusive, sensitive and appreciative language and provide information on the current situation and trends in their field. The audience will then be invited to join in the discussion.

squeezed up

At the beginning of October, we attended the first evening of the film series Red Pills in Black Boxes. Afterwards, there was an artist talk about Cunt-Art/Clit-Art - Amina Lehner and Isabel Fröschl spoke with host Sabrina Kern about the aforementioned topic. We listen to a recording.



In the section Divasplitter we listen to the performer Edith Paule. She is involved in FIFTITU%, Feminism and Riot and many other organizations. We spoke to Edith about her performances and her involvement in art and culture.


Where: Infobeisl in the Willy*Fred House, Graben 3, 4020 Linz

Language is conceived here as part of a safer space, a protected space for people outside of heteronormativity
Finding a way of dealing with a language, appropriating one's own language, changing it in such a way that a language space is created that connects and includes. Dealing with language sensitively in order to use it specifically for queer-feminist resistance. Finding a common language of interaction, practicing a colloquial language.

Trainers: Amina Lehner, Tinou Ponzer and Anna Tzini

FIFTITU%, we love you!

And we need you. Your expertise, your networking activities and your militant work to break down unequal conditions - not just for artists and cultural workers, but together for everyone. We support your feminist and art-political positions and actions. We are appalled that the state of Upper Austria wants to cut funding for FIFTITU% by almost 25% - and that this will only be communicated in September of the current year. We protest in the strongest possible terms against such a disastrous approach and budget cut by the state of Upper Austria! #dankeschwarzblau

Dear women*, dear friends!

Once again FIFTITU% cordially invites you to the Schwammfisch meeting: the networking meeting will take place on October 12, 2017 at 6 pm in the Infobeisl in the Willy*Fred Haus (Graben 3, 4020 Linz).

This time, we will focus on current cultural and women's political developments in Upper Austria and how women* can counter them!

We invite all people interested in queer-feminism and anti-racism and look forward to seeing you there!