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FIFTITU% supports FLINTA✰ of all disciplines in artistic projects and careers.

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Looking for funding? FIFTITU% provides information on about current calls for proposals in arts and culture.

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The feminist newsletter provides information about FIFTITU%'s current activities at irregular intervals.

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Join us in erecting the summit cross!

Film project in the Salzkammergut

Put up the first female summit cross in the Salzkammergut!

Saturday, June 22, 10 am (only in good weather, alternative date: June 29, 10 am)

The IG Filmkultur and all signatories of the open letter demand that the Federal Minister for EU, Arts, Culture and Media Gernot Blümel appoint qualified experts for innovative film to the advisory board for film funding in the Federal Chancellery and to observe gender parity:

Sign the petition here

Open letter:

Dear Minister Blümel,

We urge you to reconsider the new appointment of the advisory board members of Department II/3 - Film of the BKA and thus continue the success story of this film funding.

RED lines - connected

A performative - participative installation as part of the cycle UEBER_LEBEN at the KÜNSTLERHAUS in Vienna by Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki

squeezed up

You can listen to an interview with the artist Andreea Vladut. We spoke to her about "Klageweib" and the role of women in professional mourning work in Romania. Vladut deals with this topic in her artistic work and has documented the experiences of her grandmother, Evaneta Băbărelu.
This interview can be heard in English.


squeezed up

We warmly congratulate the award winners Herta Gurtner (former managing director of FIFTITU%) & Michaela Schoissengeier (former board member* of FIFTITU%) on being awarded the Upper Austrian Cultural Medal!

Fair pay for cultural work in practice - how and why the much-discussed "Berlin model" of fee floors works

This model is also the topic of the Symposium "Freie Szene - Freie Kunst" on April 8 in Vienna.


squeezed up

The Women's Prize of the City of Linz was awarded this year on February 28 at the "talk of fem" in the Old City Hall. The €3,600 award went to the autonomous Women's Center (aFZ) for their project "Women's Emergency Call".
We spoke to Susanne Wiesmayr, one of the center's managing directors, about her award-winning project and what this award means for the team.

The transcultural feminist alliance Feminism and Riot
invites you to celebrate the golden matriarchy on International Women's Day

▬▬▬▬▬▬ meeting place ▬▬▬▬▬▬

Friday, March 8, 2019, 4 p.m., AEC-Platz Linz
The ceremonial demonstration procession starts at 5 pm

Extravagant clothing with hat creations is requested

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Evening program ▬▬▬▬▬▬

Admission from 7 pm, Central Linz, Landstrasse 36
Program from 20.30h with
Ester Poly | Luzia Oppermann | Tonica Hunter | Christallmess
Admission free

squeezed up

In today's edition, we hear an interview with Denice Bourbon. We met the performance artist and comedian at the Feminism and Riot Camp in Linz at the beginning of February and talked about "performance & disruption", art and activism and being a diva.

This interview can be heard in English.


squeezed up

This year, on March 8, 2019, we will not be disturbed and celebrate the last breaths of the patriarchy. We want to follow the call for a feminist strike together with you! In order to finish planning and implementing all this, we are opening the DIY protest lab for 6 days on March 8, 2019.
Just come by while you have time. All materials are available.


Protest lab I
Fri, 22.2. | Sat, 23.2. | Sun, 24.2.
daily from 2 pm

Protest Lab II
Fri, 1.3.| Sat, 2.3. | Sun, 3.3.
daily from 2 pm

University of Art and Design Linz
Department of Time-based Media
Kollegiumgasse 2 | 4th floor | 4020 Linz
Signage available!

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