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FIFTITU% supports FLINTA✰ of all disciplines in artistic projects and careers.

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Looking for funding? FIFTITU% provides information on about current calls for proposals in arts and culture.

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The feminist newsletter provides information about FIFTITU%'s current activities at irregular intervals.

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Invitation to the open FLINTA DAY 23 planning meeting

Fri, June 23, 2023 is the day before LINZ PRIDE. Traditionally, the Dykemarch takes place in cities around the world on the day before PRIDE. On this day, we celebrate the visibility of queer women and lesbians. This year we want to celebrate the Dykemarch with a FLINTA DAY 23!

A day for all queer women, lesbians, tomboys, studs and dykes, intersex people, non-binary living, trans & agender people with workshops, speeches, music and performance.

To make this happen, we would like to invite all interested FLINTAs to join us.

There will be an initial open meeting to brainstorm, plan and prepare.

Newsbase, the database for the promotion of art and culture, goes online and we're celebrating!

"What will access to Austrian art and cultural funding look like in the future?" is the central question of a discussion and presentation event to which FIFTITU% invites you on March 16 at 5:30 pm at the Lentos Art Museum with free admission

The new database, which was developed to make it easy to find funding, calls for proposals or artists-in-residence programs in art and culture, will be presented at this event.

In order to herald the launch of this database, invited experts will discuss the topic of accessibility to funding opportunities in the arts and culture on this evening.
On the podium:

FEMALE SOLIDARITY - across all borders! It's that time again! The International Women's Struggle Day will take place on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 and we will take to the streets with you to be loud and visible.

On International Women's Day we cordially invite you to Feminist*innen lesen Feminist*innen at Stadtwerkstatt Linz.

Bring your own texts or works by feminist authors and share them with us on the Vulva*throne reading stage.

In memory of Maria Schwarz-Schlöglmann, founder of the Upper Austrian Center for the Protection against Violence, the first Maria Schwarz-Schlöglmann Lecture on the Protection against Violence was launched in 2019. In November 2022, the 4th edition of this lecture on protection against violence took place at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz.
In today's program we broadcast the excerpts. You can hear City Councillor Eva Schobesberger with her welcoming speech as well as the head of the Upper Austrian Center for Protection against Violence Eva Schuh with an input.

On February 23, 2023, the feminist book club Linz, will visit us to discuss the book "The Lovers" by Elfriede Jelinek.
The feminist book club was founded in 2019 by Conny Erber and has been meeting every two months at different locations in Linz ever since. Together we talk about books, feminism and the realities of life - women* as well as men* are welcome in the book club.
If you would like to be part of the feminist book club, please register by email at

We cordially invite you to the opening of the installation Stick Together - Solidarisch (K)Leben on January 19, 2023 at 18:00 in the Nordico Stadtmuseum in Linz:

We look forward to celebrating Yalda with you and feeding the feminist oracle with our demands, wishes and visions!

Yalda is the longest night of the year, and it's a time for us to connect, recharge and empower each other.

It is also an occasion where we celebrate our sisters* in Iran who are fighting for their rights as women* and feminists.

We celebrate Yalda with a communal punch in and in front of the FIFTITU% office with plenty of space for networking and exchange.

Yalda is also the night of lovers! Your lovers and friends are very welcome.

You are invited to bring your favorite song or red fruit because tradition says that the one* who eats the last remaining summer fruits on this night will get through the winter in good health.

2-part online workshop with Lisa-Viktoria Niederberger
Writing as a creative tool for all artists

Fri, January 20, 2023, 11:00 - 13:00, Online (via ZOOM)
Fri, January 27, 2023, 11:00 - 13:30, Online (via ZOOM)

Go here to register

We cordially invite you to the joint demonstration on Saturday, December 17, 2022 in Linz.

For more than 80 days now, people in Iran have been taking to the streets, risking their lives to bring about a change in the dictatorial regime. This was triggered by the death of Mahsa Zhina Amini, who was murdered by the so-called morality police because she was wearing an "inappropriate" hijab.

Together we want to express our solidarity with the protesters, to stand up for justice, freedom, democracy and equality in Iran and worldwide.

The demonstration is organized by students of the University of Art and Design Linz in solidarity with the current uprising against the Islamic regime in Iran.