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We are pleased to invite you again to this year's "Schwimmfisch" at the Danube beach in Alt Urfahr on
Wednesday, August 24th at 5:00 pm.

Address: Donaustrand in Alt Urfahr, after the "Goldenes Schiff" inn

Grills and drinks will be provided. Please bring your own delicacies to put on the barbecue.

We will take the space to network in a relaxed outdoor setting, swim with or against the current, reflect on "Feminism and Riot 2016", talk about the upcoming "Feminism and Riot Camp" and other things! Just as we like :-)

If you have interested friends, you are welcome to bring them along.

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June 2 was declared International Whores' Day in reference to the sex workers' movement in France. On June 2, 1975, around 150 sex workers went on strike in Lyon (France), occupying a church and initiating a high-profile action that is considered to be one of the key initial impulses for the European sex workers' movement

This year, maiz - the self-organization by and for migrants - also organized the city tour "On the trail of sex work in Linz". A team of city guides accompanies you through 5 stations with information on sex work in Linz.

Roswitha Kröll produced the reportage.


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For the fifth time, the Alliance 8 March and #OhneUnsVielSpaß organized a Männerlose Parallel-Landtagssitzung. We were there again in front of the Landhaus. This time it was about women's poverty. According to statistics published by Eurostat, the pay gap between women and men in Austria was 23 percent in 2014. The EU average was 16 percent. Statistically speaking - women in Austria work for free from October 11 until the end of the year. Women are also more often only employed part-time.

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With the exclusion of women from the Upper Austrian state government, the voice of over 50% of the population is missing from this important representation. However, diversity, transparency, freedom and informed citizens are the basis of a functioning democracy. This is why the Upper Austrian Women's Government decided on concrete measures for more democracy and diversity under the motto "Democracy needs freedom - needs women".

The next parallel session will take place on May 12, 2016, once again in front of the Landhaus in Linz, and is looking forward to welcoming supporters.



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On March 7, 2016, the Women's Prize of the City of Linz was once again awarded. The award, worth EUR 3,600, went to the project "NACHBARINNEN - Aufsuchende Familienarbeit im transkulturellen Kontext". The winners were also honored with the "Golden Witches' Broom". "NACHBARINNEN" is a cooperation project between migrare, Volkshilfe Flüchtlings- und Migrant*innenbetreuung and the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences

We spoke to the NACHBARINNEN - Roya Yamin, Saranda Havolli and Melahat Okyan - about their experiences as part of this project.

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On March 8th is International Women's Day, we spoke to Ngueda Pauline, Tam Wenifred Starh and Nsambang Syluiane from the association ACAMASAL about their program for this day.

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We conducted a telephone interview with Ugla Stefanía Jónsdóttir from Iceland. She is an international activist for LGBTI* rights. Ugla Stefanía is part of the organization Trans Ísland, organization for transgender people in Iceland, as well as part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organization (IGLYO). We spoke to her about visibility, the legal situation and violence against transgender people.


Breaking the news


On November 30, 2015, the Marianne.von.Willemer Prize was awarded by the City of Linz for the eighth time in the Old City Hall. The prize is an award for high-quality works by female writers and is intended to help women gain a foothold in the local literary scene

Writer Gabriele Kreslehner has been awarded this year's Women.literature.prize, endowed with 3,600 euros, for her text "indian summer". The text was chosen by the expert jury from more than 100 submissions.///////////////////////////////

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On January 28, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., the next "menless parliamentary session" will take place in front of the Linz Landhaus

The aim of this action is to make women's politics visible and to draw attention once again to the women's session that has existed since October 23

Landtag government that has been in place since 23 October.

Link to the 1st Upper Austrian state parliament session