squeezed up
On March 8th is International Women's Day, we spoke to Ngueda Pauline, Tam Wenifred Starh and Nsambang Syluiane from the association ACAMASAL about their program for this day.
squeezed up
The writer Elfriede Awadalla, also known as El Awadalla, is running for the office of Federal President of Austria in 2016. Erich Klinger spoke to Awadalla about her candidacy and the socio-political impulses that are important to her as a candidate. If you want to support the candidate: El(friede) Awadalla needs 6000 declarations of support within three weeks for her candidacy for Federal President. From February 23, 2016, there will be an opportunity to support her with your signature.
squeezed up
According to estimates by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, at least half of the world's refugees are women and children. One third of the refugees who ultimately manage to flee to European countries are women. What obstacles and dangers do women face when fleeing?
Radio RaBe's Karin Bachmann spoke to Milena Wegelin from the organization Terre des Femmes about the reasons for fleeing and their experiences.
the shepherdess
The German journalist and political scientist Antje Schrupp commented: "Tarantino's masculinity" on the film "The Hateful 8" in her blog "For the Love of Freedom". Our colleague Rosvita Kröll read the commentary for "die häferlgukerin".
Fold out
From fictional masculinities, we now turn our attention to real masculinities and power relations in the film industry: "The study "WHERE ARE THE WOMEN DIRECTORS" - "Where are the female directors?" is a report on gender equality, or rather inequality, in the European film industry. It was commissioned by the European Network of Women in Audiovisual Professions (EWA). In a two-year process, comparative studies were conducted from seven European countries: Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The report was recently presented at the Berlinale. We have opened the summary.
NEWS "5-2 Minutes"- feminist news
Marley Dias, an 11-year-old girl from New Jersey, America, was tired of only reading about white boys* or dogs at school. Marley started the #1000BlackGirlBooks project on Twitter. The 11-year-old's goal is to collect 1000 books with black heroines by February 1 and then donate them to a children's library in Jamaica. And she has achieved that.
The #1000blackgirlbooks campaign ran on Twitter.
served and decorated
February 28 at 6 pm there will be a "Philosophicum Feminism - today" in the Kepler Salon. Political and media analyst Maria Pernegger will talk about the place of women* in the media, society and politics under the title: "Between role clichés and power games".
March 8 is International Women's Day and with
Feminism and Riot there will be a program all day - including a screening of the film "Femmes Brutal" in the Stadtwerkstatt. Followed by a DJ program with participants from the F.u.K. DJ-Protestlabor.
On March 9 at 7 pm a
reading from the book "Der Körper als Ware: Feministische Interventionen". The author Lisbeth N. Trallori will read herself. At the Ernst Koref-Heim // Prunerstraße 3a // Linz.
The music in the program comes from the compilation Riot Grrrl is not Dead!