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FIFTITU% supports FLINTA✰ of all disciplines in artistic projects and careers.

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Looking for funding? FIFTITU% provides information on about current calls for proposals in arts and culture.

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The feminist newsletter provides information about FIFTITU%'s current activities at irregular intervals.

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The ARGE "lustvoll böse" is an association of Upper Austrian cultural initiatives, (queer) feminists and (queer) feminist men

The aim of ARGE is to question and make visible patriarchal-white-heteronormative structures that are reflected in public space, to empower and reinterpret them performatively

Content considerations/objectives

making patriarchal-white-heteronormative structures visible, empowering and performatively reinterpreting them
be lustfully evil
network in the regions & form conspiratorial cells

be lustfully evil

Here you can find the article by Rosi Kröll in the Radio FRO programme booklet N°9 with the focus on accessibility: From the perspective of language, the everyday reality of making radio or within an organization. Gunter Trübswasser and Andi Wahl, Manuela Mittermayer, Sabina Köfler and FIFTITU% worked on the main topic.

The magazine is also available as audio magazine

In 2011, FIFTITU% focused on equality policies. The FIFTITU% annual program with the motto "We are not all equal, but some are more equal" came to an end at the afo - Architekturzentrum OÖ. The last series of events focused on queerversity, image politics and artistic interventions in public space.
A subjective report.

Popular fantasies

Do you have what it takes to be an honorary citizen? A cultural initiative aims to increase the number of women honored

"Kunstorte in Genderperspektive", September 5 - 8, 2001 in Bielefeld (FRG)

Report by Michaela Schoissengeier on her participation in the expert workshop

The idea of the workshop was to contribute to the exchange between female visual artists, cultural scientists and cultural workers from Central and Eastern Europe, North America, South America and South Africa and to create the conditions for a comprehensive research project on the working situation of female visual artists in different countries and continents.

March 1999 Michaela Schoissengeier

If we let our keen eye wander over established, renowned art institutions, the program beckons to us in a rather one-sided way - not the program in and of itself, no, quite the opposite! My criticism belongs to the selecting (mostly) men. At first glance, it looks as if only artists have the writing, painting, photography and, above all, the say. To my question to a gentleman who organized a symposium where there were no women on the podium, no female speakers and no female prize winners, except for 2/3 women in the audience and the hard-working ladies at the cash desk, the answer was: I'm supposed to look at that too! Yes, gentlemen, you should look at that too, and the argument about quality no longer counts.