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FIFTITU% supports FLINTA✰ of all disciplines in artistic projects and careers.

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Looking for funding? FIFTITU% provides information on about current calls for proposals in arts and culture.

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The feminist newsletter provides information about FIFTITU%'s current activities at irregular intervals.

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After 20 years, FIFTITU% has had its logo redesigned by the artist Astrid Benzer.
With regard to the new design, the website was immediately adapted and the networking center presents itself in a new, contemporary style in 2018.


Dear campaigners* and supporters* of the women's* referendum,
the registration week from October 1 to 8 is all about everything: we have 7 days to get people to sign the women's petition. Be there when we canvass for votes for the women's referendum on the streets in front of the registration locations during the registration week.
Whether you take part alone or as a group - we will coordinate your efforts and send you everything you need to make a convincing appearance in front of a municipal office near you.

At the end of 2017, three women's advice centers in Upper Austria were informed at short notice that 100% of their annual funding from the state's women's department would be discontinued.
The example of Upper Austria is one of many since the change of government in Austria in 2017 and the pan-European shift to the right since 2015 at the latest. However, it is a wonderful little lesson in the gradual disintegration of democracy.

We cannot let 20 years of feminist art and cultural policy pass by without a sound bite.
We are rolling out the pink carpet and inviting you to a joint celebration?

With ?
✩ Ana Threat ✩ Duffy Sylejmani ✩ Alice Moe ✩ Poetry/reading with Evelyn Mayr G&G DJ team ✩ ...

▻ The jack-of-all-trades Kristina Pia Hofer aka Ana Threat is a musician, producer, media theorist, art figure, curator and much more. The Linz native, who has lived in Vienna for years and performs worldwide, will be gracing us with her queer-feminist trash/garage sound for 20 years of fiftitu%.

Speech by #Frauenlandretten activists at the Pride Parade on June 30, 2018 on Linz's main square

Dear community,

We are also lesbian and gay people, trans* and inter people, bi and queer people and not just women and men. Yesterday, the Constitutional Court finally confirmed the right to a third gender. Alex Jürgen fought the battle. He represents civil society and has fought for this right for all of us. Thank you Alex!

We say: Thank you Alex!

We stand here before you today as queer feminists. As women with asterisks with different genders and preferences. And yes, we are happy that the third gender has finally been recognized. It's a reason to celebrate.

But we also know:
The fight must go on!

Dear friends, colleagues and sympathizers!

Please support us in saving Frauen*land OÖ and spreading our concerns:

Concrete options for action are:

  • You can send an email directly to the decision-makers on our website to express your displeasure
  • You can also support us with a click on the website #frauenlandretten with donations

INVITATION TO THE PRIDE PARADE //The parade moves through Linz again!
Meeting point: 14.30h on June 30th @ Martin-Luther-Platz to the Maindeck AEC

We welcome as parade participants:
- Ann & Pat - Bollywood Dance Linz - FEM Events - #frauenlandretten - Fetish Community Upper Austria - Grüne Andersrum Upper Austria
- HOSI Linz - Linz against the right - Queeriosity - SoHo Upper Austria - YOUnited, and much more.

Dear Bubbledays team!

Clever and apt words have already been written by users about Female Friday at the LINZ AG Bubbledays 2018 on Facebook. What is clear from the comments is that people came to Female Friday with an expectation. This expectation was apparently not only to see lots of female musicians, but also to be offered a female main act.

Blatantly unequal gender relations in all areas of the Austrian film industry

The Austrian Film Institute and the Federal Chancellery commissioned the creation of a "Film Gender Report" in 2017 - not least due to our long-standing initiative - following a parliamentary motion for a resolution. The implementation was carried out by Ao. Prof. Dr. Eva Flicker and Lena Lisa Vogelmann, BA BA, from the Institute of Sociology at the University of Vienna. The key findings were presented on May 7, 2018.

Central results of the Film Gender Report 2012-2016

Marlene Wantzen from the editorial group Women on Air has interviewed Luzenir Caixeta and Oona Valarie Serbest for the program series Global Dialogues on Radio Orange. The program is dedicated to the topic of #rescuingwomen.

Listen on May 22 from 13-14h on: