FIFTITU% Strategy 2022 - 2023
FIFTITU% has been a feminist organization committed to the visibility and promotion of women* in art and culture since 1998. The networking and advice center works continuously to implement better conditions for women* in the arts and culture sector. As the only platform of its kind in Austria, FIFTITU% offers not only cultural and women's political work, but also concrete advice and support for professionalization. In this way, FIFTITU% supports women* and queers* in the arts and culture scene to assert themselves and strengthen their position.
Radical Collective: Die KunstuniversitÀt Linz wird 50
FIFTITU% congratulates the University of Art and Design Linz
for its integrated feminist teaching, art projects, gender equality policies and debates to advance gender issues in art and culture.
The exhibition format BestOFF is being rethought with Radical Collective, the motto of the anniversary year. For three weeks, works by students will be exhibited in art and cultural spaces in Linz. The museums, galleries, artists' collectives and offspaces will in turn show works by graduates at the University of Art and Design Linz.
A radically collective program with performances, concerts, readings, talks, workshops and screenings. FIFTITU% is participating with Art in Context: Quota and Participation.
â± Thu, October 12, 2023, 6.00 pm
đ University of Art and Design Linz, Hauptplatz 6
The exhibition runs until October 31 - at the University of Art and Design Linz and many other locations in the city of Linz.
Subject image: Linz University of Art
- Organization:
- KunstuniversitÀt Linz
- Address:
Hauptplatz 6
GlashörsÀle, 5. Stock
- Locality:
Linz 4020