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FIFTITU% supports FLINTA✰ of all disciplines in artistic projects and careers.

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Looking for funding? FIFTITU% provides information on about current calls for proposals in arts and culture.

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The feminist newsletter provides information about FIFTITU%'s current activities at irregular intervals.

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According to a report by the United Nations Women, crises such as Covid-19 reinforce existing inequalities. This is why women* and girls* are particularly hard hit by the pandemic and its consequences.
Daniela Banglmayr, Susanne Baumann and Sandra Hochholzer wanted to explore these inequalities in the publication Female positions.

The editors were able to attract female authors from the fields of media, art, science and education for Female Positions. There is also a series of programs of the same name with audio portraits of the authors.

"All quota and then what?"
Austria lags far behind the European average when it comes to gender equality in the film industry. Even though there is currently a kind of "soft" quota for film funding, as the new, second gender report by the Austrian Film Institute shows, there is still no sign of major progress. Time to throw big ideas into the room once again. What tools are needed and for whom? Which stories? Which authors? And also: What kind of working world? What can this industry look like under different, reimagined conditions?

squeezed up

This year's Art Meets Radical Openness (AMRO) festival was dedicated to the rituals and the philosophies of debugging. One of the guests was a data scientist Sofia Kypraiou. She held a workshop A Human Rights Toolbox and elaborated on the challenges that artificial intelligence is posing to equality and human rights. Kypraiou developed , a tool initiated by the Swiss NGO Women at the Table, and developed in collaboration with École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva.

Having a voice!
Voice and speech training workshop with Elisa Andessner

squeezed up

The Marianne.von.Willemer - Frauen.Literatur.Preis is an award for high-quality works by writers and is intended to help women* gain a foothold in the local literary scene. The winner of the 2021 prize is author Dr. Cornelia Hülmbauer with her work "Ö30".

In the current program we listen to excerpts from the award ceremony of the Marianne.von.Willemer - Women.Literature.Prize on May 5 in the Old Town Hall in Linz.
Listen to prizewinner Cornelia Hülmbauer, City Councillor for Women Eva Schobesberger, juror Sabine Weißensteiner and Jutta Reisinger, Women's Representative of the City of Linz.

Abstract of the reading and panel discussion
"Becoming a mother. Being a mother. Authors about the worst thing in the world"

We are delighted that the author Franziska Schutzbach is coming to Linz for the book presentation and public discussion, moderated by Amina Lehner (FIFTITU%)

Online workshop by FIFTITU% for female artists*

Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 10:00 - 13:00
Online (via ZOOM)

Go here to register

Together we will venture into the dense jungle of art and cultural funding. Here you will get an overview of the various types of funding in Austria, from the project funding species to competitions and scholarships to studio grants in theory and practice...
Where can I submit? What should my application look like? What is a cost / time plan? What do I have to consider with the individual funding bodies? You are welcome to bring your own questions on the subject with you.

Online workshop by FIFTITU% for female artists*

Together we will venture into the dense jungle of art and cultural funding. Here you will get an overview of the various types of funding in Austria, from the project funding species to competitions and scholarships to studio grants in theory and practice...
Where can I submit? What should my application look like? What is a cost / time plan? What do I have to consider with the individual funding bodies? You are welcome to bring your own questions on the subject with you.


squeezed up

In 2021, 174 women sought advice from the women's advice center WOMAN. WOMAN's services focus on work, education and social security.
We spoke to WOMAN advisors Anita Eyth and Ana Luz Morales about their services, the importance of women's advice, their network and the current challenges. Finally, they reveal their wishes to us.

