FIFTITU% Strategy 2022 - 2023
FIFTITU% has been a feminist organization committed to the visibility and promotion of women* in art and culture since 1998. The networking and advice center works continuously to implement better conditions for women* in the arts and culture sector. As the only platform of its kind in Austria, FIFTITU% offers not only cultural and women's political work, but also concrete advice and support for professionalization. In this way, FIFTITU% supports women* and queers* in the arts and culture scene to assert themselves and strengthen their position.
Having a voice!
Having a voice!
Voice and speech training workshop with Elisa Andessner
Fri, June 17, 2022, 2:00 - 5:00 pm
University of Art and Design Linz, Hauptplatz 6
Lecture hall C / Rep. room West
Here to register
Speaking in front of an audience is a hurdle for many people. Just the thought of it makes you nervous. To develop confidence when speaking, it is helpful to get to know the connection between voice and body. A powerful voice, conscious breathing and clear articulation contribute significantly to a competent speaking performance and form the focus of speech training. By working with texts and poems, as well as practical exercises, tools are shown that contribute to a confident speaking performance
- Trainer: Elisa Andessner, academic AAP voice and speech trainer
- Where: Art University Linz, Hauptplatz 6
- Who: All FLINTA* people ? Women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and people who experience themselves without gender identity
- In cooperation with the Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen (AKG) at the University of Art and Design Linz
Here to register
If you are unable to attend after all, please let us know at so that we can pass on your place.
We look forward to your participation, exchange and feedback!
Photo: Zoe Goldstein
- Organization:
- Kunstuniversität Linz
- Address:
Hauptplatz 6
Glashörsäle, 5. Stock
- Locality:
Linz 4020