Smartonomy. Mobility without Fingerprints?
Practices of digital self-organization between surveillance and autonomy
June 07- 08, 2017 University of Art and Design Linz, Living Room Time-based Media, Domgasse 1, 4th floor, DO0458
The Media Theories and Time-based Media departments invite you to evening events and interactive workshops.
Digital media are everyday tools for many people. Writing emails, tweeting, facebooking, googling, blogging or simply receiving information are everyday practices that are taken for granted. For some, they help them to organize activism and protest. And for some, they are simply essential for survival. For people on the run, for example, who plan their escape route with the help of digital maps, arrange money transfers using encrypted messages and contact their family via Skype. For them, the smartphone is not a status symbol, but the miniature technology of everyday migration.
At the same time, smartphones and tablets are media of communitization, which makes it necessary to ensure access and data sovereignty.
The discussion surrounding the right to digital invisibility and digital integrity takes on a completely different significance against the backdrop of precarious positioning. The European digital database Eurodac records and manages fingerprints of asylum seekers and "illegalized persons". In her lecture on June 7, Brigitta Kuster will address the problem of smart borders and the right to freedom of movement.
The practical part of the event on June 8 will attempt to address the needs of different realities. While people on the run face direct persecution by the state, queer-feminist activists are concerned with the restriction of spaces for thought and discussion. How can we enter into a dialogue in an attempt to defend ourselves against this and exchange ideas about spaces of possibility in digital self-organization? What tactics for dealing with digital media need to be learned and tested?
An event organized by the Departments of Media Theories (Katrin Köppert) and Time-based Media (Gitti Vasicek), University of Art and Design Linz
In cooperation with:, FIFTITU%, Feminism & Riot
As part of the initiative DE_colonize uni_VERSITY
As part of the akg course: Revenge Porn, Doxing, Hate Speech. Net political 'events' and feminist interventions, Francesca Schmidt
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
18.30 hrs | Performance DE_colonize uni_VERSITY. Kick-off of the relay
19.00 hrs | Evening event Smartonomy. Mobility without Fingerprints? Practices of digital self-organization between surveillance and autonomy
Thursday, June 8, 2017
10.00 hrs | Workshop Disrupting Your Digital Shadow
11.00 hrs | Workshop Investigating Your Metadata
12.00 hrs | Workshop Mastering Your Mobile
14.00 hrs | Workshop Feminist Crypting; Workshop Digital Security for Refugees; Digital Clinic: An informal discussion, exchange and hands on lab , Meeting & Briefing: Everything you always wanted to know about MORE and Tandem
17.00 a.m. | Joint conclusion and exchange
Detailed program info attached
Registration for the workshops: (please specify workshop)