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Statement gegen schwarzblau von FIFTITU

Statement gegen schwarzblau von FIFTITU

Steyr, February 5, 2000

Statement by FIFTITU at the demonstration "Now more than ever - no pact with racism"

We are concerned and worried about the composition of the Austrian Federal Government:

This represents a massive step backwards in the representation of the interests of all women living in this country.

  • The abolition of the Ministry of Women's Affairs reduces targeted and efficient women's policy to "social" and "family" issues.
  • Pushing women back into the domestic and family sphere reinforces discrimination and unequal treatment of women.Migrants, lesbians, single parents and women without children receive neither social recognition nor financial security.
  • That the current Austrian federal government is to be judged by its words.
  • The FPÖ's attitude towards art and culture leaves little room for artistic innovation and critical debate.The federal government with the participation of the FPÖ and its demonstrably xenophobic and racist policies legitimizes the practice of discrimination against minorities!

    Webpage againstblackblue Upper Austria

    Webpage of the Ceiberweiber with current reports, especially about the effects on women

    Discourse forum against black and blue at frauenweb