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FORUM KEP: Pay the Artist now!

Der Linzer Stadtkulturbeirat und Linz Kultur laden zur Round-Table-Diskussion inklusive Publikumsbeteiligung im Theater Phönix und zum Austausch über das Thema faire Bezahlung und faire Arbeitsbedingungen in Kunst und Kultur und stellen Fragen nach dem Status quo, nach Meilensteinen und Hürden sowie Zukunftsperspektiven – im Rahmen der Infotour der Arbeitsgruppe ‚pay the artist now!‘, bestehend aus Vertreter*innen der IG Bildende Kunst und der Künstler*innen Vereinigung Tirol.

Olivia Schütz (Kaufmänn. Geschäftsführerin Theater Phönix)
Oona Valarie Serbest (Vorsitzende des Stadtkulturbeirats Linz und GF FIFTITU%)
Stadträtin Doris Lang-Mayerhofer (Kulturreferentin der Stadt Linz)

Queer-feministischer Medienclub M.C.Monster*

M.C.Monster* ist ein queer-feministischer Medienclub der sich dem fantastischen Genre mit Schwerpunkt auf Horror annähert. 
In monatlichen Treffen werden themenspezifische Filme gescreent, Texte gelesen, Vorträge angeboten, Ausstellungen, Kinos und Abendveranstaltungen besucht und (nach)besprochen. 

Bei unserem nächsten Treffen wird es blutig: Wir besprechen das Thema “Menstrual Monsters” anhand der Filmadaptionen von Stephen Kings “Carrie” von Brian De Palama (1976) und  Kimberly Peirce (2013). Außerdem diskutieren wir einen Text über Menstrunormativität und den Begriff “Menstrual Monsterings” von Josefin Persdotter.

52 Radiominuten: Trans Visibility

On March 31, the Transgender Day of Visibility is celebrated worldwide to draw attention to the struggle of trans people for self-determination and acceptance. Listen to excerpts from the speeches at the Trans Day of Visibility rally in Innsbruck.

M.C.Monster* Kick OFF

M.C.Monster* is a queer-feminist media club that approaches the fantastic genre with a focus on horror.

In monthly meetings, topic-specific films are screened, texts are read, lectures are offered, exhibitions, cinemas and evening events are visited and (re)discussed.

If you are in the mood for evenings together, exciting exchange, lots of input and impulses for (joint) creative work, come to our kick-off/event at Salon FIFTITU% on April 25 at 6 pm.

Your hosts,
Judith, Melanie, Rebekka and FIFTITU%


Ausstellungsgespräch: wir arbeiten dran

Exhibition talk with Nora Landkammer and the artists* Gerda Lampalzer, Hanna Schimek and Adriana Torres Topga as part of the exhibition wir arbeiten dran - Versuchsanordnungen im politisch-feministischen Spannungsfeld (we are working on it - experimental arrangements in the political-feminist field of tension).

When & Where
Monday, March 18, 2024, 14:30 - 16:00
splace am Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz

Picture description: Nora Landkammer at the opening of "wir arbeiten dran"
Photo: Violetta Wakolbinger

Ausstellungszeiten: wir arbeiten dran

Participating artists and collectives Fatima El Kosht / Gerda Lampalzer / Martyna Lorenc / Aline Matuschek / Hanna Schimek / Adriana Torres Topaga / fem*-Kollektiv-Voice / das kollektiv / maiz / VIMÖ / YOUnited / Rebekka Hochreiter / Silke Müller / Annika Denzel / Lera Entmayr / Lena Haslinger / Justine Maier-Ortega / Bernadette Salzmann / Luzia Stempfer

Wir wollen uns lebend - Lesung mit das kollektiv

Basic education students from das kollektiv read text passages from the installation "Wir wollen uns lebend" (We want to live) The reading takes place as part of the "Austrian Reading Aloud Day" campaign.

Workshop: ZusammenLeben

Self-reflection and collective thinking

"zusammenLeben" is a feminist art project that focuses on living together and maintaining relationships on an individual and collective level.

The project explores the possibilities and effects that can arise from the connection of individual and collective desire and how utopian impulses can trigger changes in the outside world.

zusammenLeben offers an autobiographical look at the past, present, future, dreams, motivations and ideas of the visitors to SPLACE and the artist as a migrant in Linz.

Experimental arrangements in the political-feminist field of tension 

FIFTITU% - Networking Center for Women* in Art and Culture and Medienwerkstatt Wien in cooperation with the University of Art and Design Linz present We are working on it: Experimental arrangements in the political-feminist field of tension 

Heiße Theke Domgasse

Hearty invitation to Heiße Theke Domgasse

The Heiße Theke in Domgasse is a meeting place for urban culture that is activated by local hosts and initiatives from the Domgasse neighborhood. On seven evenings during the cold months, a diverse program of art, discourse and live music is created.

The hot counter forms the architectural framework, which folds up during the activations thanks to the modular wooden construction. Between the performances, it functions as a strategically positioned object that invites interaction and also indicates upcoming events.