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Lecture and subsequent discussion in the Kunstraum Goethestraße xtd.

Wednesday, April 9 and April 30 // 7 pm // Goethestraße 30, 4020 Linz

Flyer for the event

What is behind buzzwords such as gender budgeting and diversity management? What ideas and goals underlie these two concepts? What can a gender-specific budget analysis achieve and what concrete steps can follow? Can diversity management as a business strategy really help to reduce discrimination and promote equality? Or are social inequalities concealed by a mere rhetoric of diversity? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both strategies?

Wed, April 9, 2008, 7 pm phil Birgit Buchinger
Social scientist and organizational developer; Solution - Social Research & Development, focus on the areas of gender democracy, the world of work, representation of interests; consulting services on gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting

Governing Councillor Peter Rieder
Head of the "Budget and Budget Management" working group in the Finance Directorate of the Office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government. Was project manager of the gender budget analysis in Upper Austria as part of Genderalp! and is now responsible for the roll-out of gender budgeting in the province of Upper Austria

Andrea Mayer-Edoloeyi --- Moderation
Cultural worker and adult educator, many years of involvement in feminist cultural work. Currently member of the board of KUPF - Kulturplattform OÖ and project manager of the "Akademie Kulturarbeit" (KUPFakademie/Kunstuniversität Linz).

Wed, April 30, 2008, 7 pm

Mag.a Jasmine Böhm
Training on diversity management, intercultural skills, communication and conflict management. Process support for companies to implement measures in the areas of diversity management, anti-discrimination, reconciliation of work and family life

Dr. Radostin Kaloianov
Fellow at the Institute for Conflict Research in Vienna; Austrian with a migration background. Main research interests -- integration, discrimination, diversity, affirmative action, politics of difference, theory and practice of social recognition.

Tülay Tuncel --- Moderation

A project by FIFTITU% - Networking Center for Women in Arts and Culture Upper Austria

NOTE DOWNLOADS > Enclosed you will find documents provided by the speakers for the respective evenings

Please note that the use and quotation from the slides of Dr. Radostin Kaloianov requires his express consent. Thank you very much!

Contact: r.kaloianov(at)