FIFTITU% gewinnt Landeskulturpreis 2002
Awarding of the Grand National Culture Prize to FIFTITU%
Presentation on November 27, 2002
The official award ceremony took place on November 27, 2002.The recognition of our work through this award gives us renewed motivation and energy to continue on our chosen path despite someWe are very pleased to inform you that the association FIFTITU% - Vernetzungsstelle für Frauen in Kunst und Kultur, after 4 years of continuous and intensive work to improve the situation of female cultural workers and artists in Upper Austria, has been awarded the "Grand State Prize for Initiative Cultural Work" by the State of Upper Austria
in spite of some adversities. We expect not only lip service from the politicians responsible, but also fundamental political decisions in favor of our work.
For FIFTITU% Herta Gurtner52 reasons for FIFTITU%
(formulated by Karin Rumpfhuber and Viktoria Schlögl, in: "beispiele 2002", documentation of the LKPreis of the province of Upper Austria, p.59.)
- because women make up 52% of the world's population
- because they have been around since 1998
- because they provide a forum for women artists and cultural workers
- because they are an important networking center
- because they make the quality and scope of female cultural production visible
- because 2002 is the year of equal opportunities in Upper Austria
- because they are a service and information point
- because they never rest
- because they stand up for gender parity in art, culture and society
- because they demand women's culture
- because they organize workshops
- because there are still too many men in charge of the arts and culture scene in Upper Austria
- because the prize is recognition for achievements
- because the prize should be an incentive for the future
- because they are building up an archive
- because they are promoting scientific studies and projects
- because they are committed to women who create culture, regardless of nationality, denomination or sexual orientation
- because they organize symposia and conferences
- because they initiate artistic and cultural women's projects
- because they advise on funding matters
- because they recognize anti-women and anti-art tendencies at an early stage or counteract them
- because they promote interpersonal communication on a cultural level
- because they push through current feminist cultural policy issues
- because they bring a breath of fresh air to the Kapu
- because they call on women to demand more
- because they develop strategies to overcome the unequal treatment of women in art and culture
- because they have good ideas
- because they advocate for gender symmetry
- because they create better conditions for production, presentation and reception
- because their homepage speaks many languages
- because they have left numerous traces in the Upper Austrian art and cultural scene over the past four years
- because they don't mince their words
- because they demand the implementation of the women's referendum
- because they offer theory and discourse
- because they are women
- because they promote international women's networking
- because we are women
- because they run 2 important mailing lists
- because they address controversial issues of our time
- because they have drawn up a catalog of cultural policy demands
- because they set women's political accents in Upper Austria
- because they stand up for migrant women
- because they demand a balanced gender ratio in the Provincial Cultural Advisory Council
- because they are designed to be supra-regional
- because they will participate in the EU project "Art Works"
- because they demand equal representation on juries
- because they initiated the KUPF women's work
- because they are committed to increasing the proportion of women in management positions
- because they demand the double announcement and awarding of state prizes, scholarships, studio and talent grants
- because Upper Austria needs them
- because they demand a minimum wage for women
- because they simply deserve the prize !