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Symmetrie der Geschlechter in Kunst und Kultur

Symmetrie der Geschlechter in Kunst und Kultur

Linz, August 5, 2004

FIFTITU%, the networking center for women in art and culture in Upper Austria, is pleased about current, positive developments both in the cultural sector of the city of Linz and at the state level.

The Cultural Office of the City of Linz has published a "Report on Gender Symmetry 2002" for the first time.

FiftITU% has been calling for years for public reports on the gender-specific distribution of funding and the filling of positions in the arts and culture sector both in the City of Linz (together with the Women's Committee) and in the Province of Upper Austria.

The report on gender distribution in the areas of jury appointments, art acquisitions, prizewinners, commissioned works, etc. has recently been made available to the public on the City of Linz homepage under the link

Gabriele Heidecker, Chairwoman of FIFTITU%: "We are convinced that this transparency will lead to a process of awareness and thus to a positive change".

FIFTITU% proposes to expand this report next year to include other important areas: more comprehensive reporting is also required on outsourced cultural institutions such as AEC, LIVA, etc. and transparency of gender distribution in the city's institutions.

"The data published so far "prettifies" the result, as it is not complete," explains FIFTITU%'s managing director, Herta Gurtner.

FIFTITU% is calling for the involvement of female artists and cultural workers in all areas as early as the development process with regard to the application for the Capital of Culture 2009 - this is an opportunity for Linz to make a name for itself as the "other" Capital of Culture.

Gender Budgeting in the Provincial Government of Upper Austria

In addition to the three areas of sport, education and health, negotiations with state politicians have now also led to the cultural sector being examined in terms of gender budgeting. The flow of funds in this department is also being examined according to gender criteria as part of an EU project.

"These positive developments reinforce our belief that the ongoing work of FIFTITU% is important for the equal position of artists and cultural workers in Upper Austria. The first steps in the right direction have been taken, and more must follow," says Gabriele Heidecker.

The collected, comprehensive demands of FIFTITU% to the state of Upper Austria can be found atfrauen.fordern.kultur.

Since June 2004, there has also been a list of demands to the federal government drawn up in a nationwide networking meeting.

Questions: Herta Gurtner - Managing Director FIFTITU%, 0732-770353,

