competition & exhibition Submission deadline: July 18, 2024
We invite artists to apply with queer-feminist art for the exhibition entangled homes .
competition & exhibition Submission deadline: July 18, 2024
We invite artists to apply with queer-feminist art for the exhibition entangled homes .
The Linz City Cultural Advisory Board and Linz Kultur invite you to a round table discussion including audience participation at Theater Phönix and to exchange views on the topic of fair pay and fair working conditions in art and culture and ask questions about the status quo, milestones and hurdles as well as future prospects - as part of the information tour of the working group 'pay the arti
M.C.Monster* is a queer-feminist media club that approaches the fantastic genre with a focus on horror.
In monthly meetings, we screen topic-specific films, read texts, offer lectures, visit and discuss exhibitions, cinemas and evening events.
Geladener Expert:innen-Workshop im Rahmen der bundesweiten Infotour "pay the artist now!“
Leitung: Sheri Avraham und Michael Strasser, Arbeitsgruppe "pay the artist now!“
Thema: Fair Pay in Kunst und Kultur
Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2024, 11:00 - 15:00 Uhr
M.C.Monster* is a queer-feminist media club that approaches the fantastic genre with a focus on horror.
In monthly meetings, topic-specific films are screened, texts are read, lectures are offered, exhibitions, cinemas and evening events are visited and (re)discussed.
Exhibition talk with Nora Landkammer and the artists* Gerda Lampalzer, Hanna Schimek and Adriana Torres Topga as part of the exhibition wir arbeiten dran - Versuchsanordnungen im politisch-feministischen Spannungsfeld (we are working on it - experimental arrangements in the political-feminist field of tension).
Experimental arrangements in the political-feminist field of tension
Opening times:
Mi, 20. March: 1-5 pm
Thu, March 21: 1-5 pm
Fri, 22. March: 1-5 p.m.
Basic education learners from das kollektiv read text passages from the installation "Wir wollen uns lebend"
The reading takes place as part of the "Austrian Read Aloud Day" campaign.
When & Where
Thursday, March 21, 2024, 12:00 noon
splace am Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz
Self-reflection and collective thinking
"zusammenLeben" is a feminist art project that focuses on living together and maintaining relationships on an individual and collective level.
Hearty invitation to Heiße Theke Domgasse
The Heiße Theke in Domgasse is a meeting place for urban culture that is activated by local hosts and initiatives from the Domgasse neighborhood. On seven evenings during the cold months, a diverse program of art, discourse and live music is created.
Herzliche Einladung zu Heiße Theke Domgasse
Self-reflection and collective thinking
"zusammenLeben" is a feminist art project that focuses on living together and maintaining relationships on an individual and collective level.
Community practice group and public intervention
fem*-voice-collective opens up a space where we come together to explore and nourish the resources of our bodies, voices and imagination.
The fem*-voice-collective workshop will take place on Wednesday, March 13 from 17:00 to 20:00 at splace Hauptplatz.
On Feminist Fight Day, we cordially invite you to Feminists Read Feminists at Stadtwerkstatt Linz.
Bring your own texts or works by feminist authors and share them with us on the Vulva*throne reading stage.
Demo route: Musiktheater > Landstraße > Hauptplatz
Start: 16:00
Organized by Bündnis 8. März and DIY
Experimental arrangements in the political-feminist field of tension
Community practice group and public intervention
fem*-voice-collective opens a space where we come together to explore and nourish the resources of our bodies, voices and imagination.
Self-reflection and collective thinking
"zusammenLeben" is a feminist art project that focuses on living together and maintaining relationships on an individual and collective level.