A further education project by KUPFakademie, FIFTITU% - Networking Center for Women in Art and Culture Upper Austria and the Forum of Graduates of the University of Art and Design Linz.
NEEDFUL things - Geschlechterrollen im Kulturverein: Frauen und Männer in derAlltagspraxis initiativer Kulturarbeit
Location: KUPF office, Untere Donaulände 10/1, Linz
Costs: EUR 35,- / EUR 25,- for KUPF members, FIFTITU% members, Forum members
Registration deadline: Friday March 20, 2009
max. participants: 15
Andrea Mayer-Edoloeyi: Cultural worker, adult educator, board member of KUPF and KUPFakademie
10.00 to 18.00
Cooperation between women and men in cultural associations is not without tension. Constructive, symmetrical cooperation requires reflection on existing structures and conscious action. This seminar offers the opportunity to take a concrete look at the weighting of women and men on the board, in the organization, in the cultural programme and in the budget of your own association. What possibilities and methods of structural change are conceivable? How can gender stereotypes in the association be addressed and broken down? Based on considerations from feminist theory and post-structuralism, there will be a practical discussion of how socially responsible cultural work is conceivable beyond the two genders and heteronormativity. The aim is to empower participants for action in everyday life.
Impulses from the speaker, discussion, practical examples, group work
Men are also cordially invited to this seminar!