Since 1998, FIFTITU% has continuously campaigned for better conditions for women* in the arts and cultural sector and is the only platform of its kind, not only in Linz and Upper Austria, but nationwide.
In addition to cultural and women's*political work, regional, national and international networking in this field and diverse artistic projects in and on these topics, the activities also include concrete advice and support for the professionalization of women* in art and culture.
Farbstrom & Klangwellen
Location: Ebensee - Pedestrian bridge Am Traunsteg
Following the great success of the joint events with the Frauenforum Salzkammergut with the project series Fahrende Händler*Innen, we continued our collaboration with this light and sound installation on the pedestrian bridge - Am Traunsteg and the exhibition Verborgene Frauen* in the Ebensee school center and in the Ebensee cinema as part of the 16 Days against Violence against Women* .
The light and sound installation Farbstrom & Klangwellen was juxtaposed with the theme of violence, while the architectural proportions of the bridge were derived and the lighting design specially programmed for the occasion combined with the incomparable symphonic music of Sophia Gubaidulina makes the bridge audible - visible - tangible in a unique way.
Light and steel, colors and mysterious, penetrating music merge into an almost mystical backdrop.