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52radiominuten - 16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen

52radiominuten - 16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen

On the occasion of the 16 Days against Violence against Women on the topic of structural violence: Structural violence often manifests itself in structural discrimination, i.e. in the structural disadvantage and degradation of certain social groups.
Student guest: Maria Schwarz-Schlöglmann (Gewaltschutzzentrum OÖ) Interview with Gergana Mineva and Florina Platzer (maiz - Beratung)

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Structural violence:
"Structural violence is the avoidable impairment of basic human needs or, more generally, of life, which reduces the real level of satisfaction of needs below what is potentially possible".

According to Johan Galtung (peace research), violence is not only brute individual violence, the injuring and killing of people, but violence is also structural violence. If the structure of society is such that it does not enable the self-realization that it could, given the level of technological development of society, then there is structural violence. Bertolt Brecht already formulated this in his classic: Me-Ti. Book of twists and turns:

"There are many ways to kill. Woman* and man* can stick a knife in your stomach, deprive you of your bread, not cure you of an illness, put you in a bad apartment, beat you to death with work, drive you to suicide, lead you to war, etc.. Only a few of these things are forbidden in our state."

Structural violence often manifests itself in structural discrimination, i.e. in the structural disadvantage and degradation of certain social groups.

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