Veranstaltungen aus 2017
Where? Infobeisl in the Willy*Fred House, Graben 3, 4020 Linz
We invite you to watch international women* films with us - in original languages with subtitles or interpreters.
Afterwards, we look forward to discussing the films in a relaxed atmosphere
"The Girl Wadjda" by the Saudi Arabian director Haifaa Al Mansour
On April 18, 2017, there will be another discussion round as part of our language project entitled "Non-discriminatory sensitive language".
squeezed up
On the occasion of this year's 8 March the transcultural, women*political association Feminism and Riot once again organized actions in the city centre of Linz. We serve up a review of these
On Wednesday, March 29, 2017, there will be another discussion round as part of our language project entitled "Non-discriminatory language".
Pension entitlement. Retirement pension. Pension account: How does it all work? What can I expect in later life? We have all received letters with frightening figures about the current status of our pension account in recent years... But what can I look out for now? When am I even entitled to a pension? What effects does international mobility have?
We conducted an interview with the director Carola Mair and one of the protagonists Bianca Braunesberger about the content, the script and the collaboration on the documentary "FLOW: The Creativity Principle".
It's that time again - on Wednesday, February 15, 2017, there will be another discussion session as part of our language project entitled "Non-discriminatory language".