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Feministische Netzpolitik

Feministische Netzpolitik

squeezed open

You can listen to an interview with Mahriah Zimmermann. She is a human rights activist and deals with net politics in combination with feminism, among other things. As part of "Smartonomy. Mobility without Fingerprints?", an event organized by the media department of the University of Art and Design Linz in cooperation with, FIFTITU% and Feminismus&Krawall on June 8 in Linz, where she held a workshop entitled "Feminist Crypting: Email Encryption". Among other things, she told us why the encryption of emails is important.


squeezed up

We recently had a chat with Oona Valarie and Ufuk Serbest about the Gender*Changer. The Gender*Changerin is an extension for Chrome and Firefox and aims to support the introduction of gender-inclusive language in a playful way. They explain how the idea for this extension came about and how it works in practice. They then explain their further plans for and with this extension.



On the occasion of International Whores' Day on 2 June, counselling centres and self-organizations of sex workers repeatedly drew attention to the institutional and structural violence against sex workers. We listen to a short report on the current situation in Austria.
June 2, 2017: Press release by the associations maiz, SXA-Info, PiA, iBUS and LEFÖ
Decriminalizing Sex Work is at the Frontier of Workers' Rights


"5-2 Minutes"- feminist news

This year's Gabriele Heidecker Prize winners are Lisa Großkopf and Hannah Kordes. This women*'s art prize is awarded by the Green Party in memory of the Linz architect and artist Gabriele Heidecker. The prize, which has been awarded biennially since this year, is endowed with 10,000 euros. Interviews with this year's Gabriele Heidecker prizewinners will be broadcast on 52 minutes of radio in July.

The Frauen*museum Hittisau in Vorarlberg receives the Austrian Museum Prize 2017. The prize is endowed with 20,000 euros. It is the highest state award for museums in Austria. The Hittisau Women's Museum is the first and only women's museum in Austria. It is also the only women's museum in a rural area in Europe. It was founded in 2000 and shows two to three exhibitions a year on topics relevant to women*.

We congratulate all the award winners mentioned above!

The European Union has finally signed the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women* and domestic violence, known as the Istanbul Convention. Global support for the convention has thus grown considerably.


served and decorated

Willy*Fred is organizing a summer party on Saturday, July 1, 2017 in cooperation with FIFTITU%, the collective and many other associations in the Willy*Fred house. The event starts at 4 p.m.

From 7 September FIFTITU% will be offering a fortnightly self-defense course for women*. This takes place every 2nd Thursday at 18:30 in the Infobeisl at Graben 3. Participation is free of charge but should be as continuous as possible. We invite all women*, girls*, trans and intersex people to register at

The music in the program is by Delia Derbyshire and Pauline Oliveros