squeezed up
The current radio program is dedicated to the question: What will access to Austrian arts and culture funding look like in the future?
squeezed up
The current radio program is dedicated to the question: What will access to Austrian arts and culture funding look like in the future?
We cordially invite you to the opening of the installation Stick Together - Solidarisch (K)Leben on January 19, 2023 at 18:00 in the Nordico Stadtmuseum in Linz:
Online workshop by FIFTITU% for female artists*
Together we will venture into the dense jungle of art and cultural funding. Here you will get an overview of the various types of funding in Austria, from the project funding species to competitions and scholarships to studio grants in theory and practice...
Excursion to the collecting society Bildrecht
Online workshop by FIFTITU% & starsky for artists
Online workshop by FIFTITU% for artists
Together we will venture into the dense jungle of art and cultural funding. Here you will get an overview of the various types of funding in Austria, from the project funding species to competitions and scholarships to studio grants in theory and practice...
Workshop by FIFTITU% for students at the University of Art and Design Linz
Dear friends,
Colleagues and sympathizers!
For two years now, FIFTITU% has been fighting to continue to exist. Thanks to your support, we have succeeded so far.
Love everyone!