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Suffrage spéculative

Suffrage spéculative

Suffrage spéculative takes place as part of the Conference Veränderte Verhältnisse / Altered Affairs:

October 9 to 11, 2019
University of Art and Design Linz, Hauptplatz 6, Glass Lecture Halls East and West, 5th floor

We cannot know which voices will rise up in the future, but we are already preparing for the unforeseeable. In the format Suffrage spéculative, the guests of the Archive of Future Voices bring along an object that was of great importance to them for their artistic, scientific, activist politicization.
In conversations, they tell their interlocutor why this picture, this book, this encounter, this document of an event was decisive for them. We also ask the question of whether the object and its history(ies) could perhaps also be of significance for future articulations.
The object will be archived for the duration of the conference and at the end the resulting archive will be questioned by a group of students as to its suitability for the present and future. Each discussion will last approx. 20 minutes.
Beate Absalon, Faime Alpagu, Christa Amadea, Amalia Barboza, Luzenir Caixeta, Cornelia Daurer, Paul Feigelfeld, Anne von der Heiden, Brigitte Hütter, Karina Koller, Jasmin Mersmann, Gloria Meynen, Sabine Pollak, Nathan Stobaugh, Lotte Warnsholdt & Gitti Vasicek and Oona Valarie Serbest from FIFTITU%.

A conference of the Department of Cultural Studies of the University of Art and Design Linz and the IFK International Research Center for Cultural Studies | University of Art and Design Linz in Vienna in cooperation with the VALIE EXPORT Center Linz
