Trihanna Wildé is a Maltese drag queen known for her contributions to the performance world, her drag is much more than an art form, it’s also a powerful platform for activism. We recently had the opportunity to speak with her about her journey.
Romanian multimedia artist Andreea Vlăduț and Austrian multidisciplinary artist Christa Wall are bringing the role of women as moirologists to the fore. In their field research they have focused on Romania, however their theoretical fundament came from different transnational contexts.
RED lines – connected
Eine performativ - partizipative Installation im Rahmen des Zyklus UEBER_LEBEN im KÜNSTLERHAUS in Wien von Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki
In der heutigen Ausgabe hören wir ein Interview mit Denice Bourbon. Wir haben die Performance-Künstler*in und Komiker*in Anfang Februar beim Feminismus und Krawall Camp in Linz getroffen und über „Performance & Störung“, Kunst und Aktivismus sowie Diva-sein gesprochen.