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female to what the fuck

female to what the fuck

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Sharon Dodua Otoo is a Ghanaian-British author, mother, activist and editor who received the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize last year for her text "Herr Gröttrup setzt sich hin". In early December 2016, she was a guest at the conference "UN|GLEICHHEITEN REVISITED - Conceptions and Interventions of Critical Gender Studies" at the University of Art and Design in Linz. There she read a story with geometric shapes.

Sharon Dodua Otoo also read her award-winning text "Herr Gröttrup setzt sich hin" and part of the andvent story from the book "Synchronicity" at the event. These two texts can be listened to at

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"Before the transition is after the transition - Female to What The Fuck (FtWTF) begins where other documentaries dealing with trans* biographies often end."
The Linz premiere of this film took place at Moviemento on January 10, 2017. In the presence of the filmmaker Cordula Thym, a discussion was held afterwards. We recorded a short interview with her beforehand. She talked about the content, protagonists and screenplay of the documentary, as well as her future plans in the film industry

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We listen to an interview with the curator Felix Krämer on Gender Relations in Art. He talks about the content of the exhibition "Gender Struggle - Franz von Stuck to Frida Kahlo", which can be seen at the Städel Museum in Frankfurt am Main.

We have taken over this article from the daily newsroom of Radio Corax in Halle.

NEWS "5-2 Minutes"- feminist news

On January 1, 2017, the Vatican Museums will have a new director: art historian Barbara Jatta from Rome, who has been Deputy Director of Collections since July and thus the closest collaborator of Antonio Paolucci, who has headed the Vatican Museums since 2007. She is the first woman to head the Vatican Museums since they were founded in 1506.

served and decorated

March 8 - International Women's Day! The Transcultural Women's Political Alliance Feminism&Riot is once again organizing numerous activities for this day. More information coming soon!

The music (CC) in the program comes from Mansplaining on the Dancefloor.