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Stellungnahme zum Kulturleitbild OÖ

Stellungnahme zum Kulturleitbild OÖ

FIFTITU%, the networking center for women in art and culture in Upper Austria, welcomes the development of a cultural mission statement for Upper Austria and the broad-based discussion initiated for this purpose.

It is positive that the results of the discussion will be incorporated into the creation of the cultural mission statement and that the measures and objectives set out are to be understood as actual instructions for action.

We are particularly pleased to note that the province of Upper Austria explicitly commits to "(...) gender equality, which is also to be implemented in the cultural sector" (...) in the guidelines for Upper Austrian cultural policy. (see 2.2.) Accordingly, in our opinion, point 2.2. should explicitly state that measures and objectives for gender equality must run through and be reflected in the entire mission statement as a cross-sectional issue.In addition, it is important to us to detail specific measures and goals for gender equality in individual points of the mission statement.FIFTITU% suggests the following additions to individual areas.

Regarding 3.1 Comprehensive cultural offerings in Upper Austria
and 3.3. Landeskulturbeirat und Netzwerke
As an Upper Austrian networking center, FIFTITU% is also a nationally relevant network and a cultural policy platform for numerous female artists and creative women. As a women-specific umbrella organization, FIFTITU% is predestined to be named as an example alongside the Upper Austrian Museums Association, the Forum Volkskultur and the KUPF.

Regarding 3.2 Place value of art and culture in Upper Austria
Provincial cultural institutions have so far been male-dominated in their naming. The only example of a name that refers to a woman is the Margret Bilger Gallery
When naming cultural institutions or major events, it is high time to reflect on the names of women and thus make their achievements in art and culture visible.

On 3.2 Cultural associations and initiatives in the regions
In this paragraph, cultural associations are ultimately defined by their output and not by the participation processes they organize. Their democratic and socio-political relevance needs to be emphasized more strongly here.

On 3.2 Volunteering
Understanding volunteering as a civic and political commitment is not just about leisure activities, but about shaping one's own living environment in a regional and communal context. Cultural activity is a part of this.
Voluntary work cannot be seen as a substitute for the structures that are necessary for full-time work. Structures and the resulting necessary employment must be secured as such in order to guarantee professional cultural work.On 3.3 European Capital of Culture Linz
In the draft, the province of Upper Austria commits to strengthening the cultural profile of the provincial capital Linz with sustainable utilization effects. In terms of sustainability, gender mainstreaming is to be implemented for FIFTITU% within the framework of Linz 09. This gives Linz the opportunity to be perceived as a progressive city that is aware of women's issues.On 4 Tasks, working methods and objectives of the Provincial Department of Culture and its institutions:
With regard to the principles and objectives of the Provincial Department of Culture, FIFTITU% proposes the establishment of a staff unit for the advancement of women and the development of a detailed gender mainstreaming concept at the level of the Provincial Department of Culture in order to meet the objective of gender equality in all areas.

On 5.1 Globalization and regional identity
Upper Austria is considered one of the richest regions in the world. This international responsibility includes the promotion of development policy networks (as mentioned in 6.6.). However, this alone would not be enough; Upper Austria must commit itself nationally and internationally to fairer (economic) structures

Regarding 5.2 Democracy and cultural policy
Meetings and minutes of cultural committees at provincial and municipal level should be open to the public. One measure to implement gender equality in the cultural sector is equal representation on cultural committees. To this end, it is necessary to take measures to promote women in the political parties. (e.g. quota regulation; linking party funding to the proportion of women; strengthening programs for the advancement of women politicians, such as those offered by the province of Upper Austria)

On 6.1 Contemporary art and culture
In our opinion, the "increased promotion of contemporary art in the regions" requires the addition "through longer-term structural safeguarding of cultural initiatives and networking structures".

We would also like to draw attention to measures for events and major projects. The numerous major cultural events in Upper Austria (provincial exhibitions, Brucknerfest, Ars Electronica, ...) should be planned and organized in a gender-sensitive manner in line with the aforementioned objective of equality between women and men.

With this in mind, women-specific priorities should be set for every major event.

We very much welcome the establishment of a separate funding program for innovative art projects mentioned under measures and goals. FIFTITU% regards gender mainstreaming and measures for the advancement of women as a natural part of the funding program.Regarding 6.2 Cultural heritage and tradition
In accordance with the commitment to gender equality, special attention must also be paid to the cultural achievements of women when dealing with the cultural past. When it comes to preserving cultural heritage and safeguarding the holdings in museums and public collections, the aim is to safeguard women's cultural heritage and make it visible.
We see this as a step in the direction of increasing awareness and adequate appreciation of women's artistic and cultural achievements.Regarding 6.3 Art and cultural education as an educational mission
The establishment of a postgraduate course is mentioned under measures and objectives. In addition to the subjects already mentioned, such as art and museum education, cultural management and cultural economics, gender studies should be mentioned as an area for acquiring specialist skills. Gender studies are absolutely essential for such an interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary course of study.Regarding 6.6 International exchange and cooperation
As further measures we mention:
  • Promoting the exchange of women's networks at an international level
  • the development of international cultural cooperation projects and networking structures
  • Fixing the co-financing of EU projects in the cultural sector (artists, initiatives, associations) through state funds. (This would also enable Upper Austria to receive more EU funds)
  • On 6.7 Further development of the Upper Austrian cultural infrastructure
    Initiatives of the independent scene and contemporary art in the regions need a secure infrastructure. This requires contractual agreements for medium-term financing. For example, spaces that can be used multifunctionally (studios, exhibitions, events) are particularly interesting for the visual arts in the regions.

    Regarding 6.9 Culture and media
    The measures and objectives include gender equality in the cultural media itself (50% female authors) and gender-sensitive cultural reporting.

    Regarding 6.11. Children's and youth culture
    We see the promotion of gender-sensitive children's and youth culture projects and especially girls' projects as another essential measure in this area.

    Regarding 6.10. Gender mainstreaming and promotion of women's culture
    In the current draft, gender equality measures are only mentioned again here as a focus of cultural work, followed by 6.11. Children's and youth culture and 6.12. Special target groups (people with disabilities, migrants). The current draft thus relegates women to the fringes under the title of promoting women and gender mainstreaming and in this way fails to convey that equality measures are a cross-cutting issue.

    The following measures are an important, not negligible addition to the measures listed above:

    • Gender-equitable design of the programs of national cultural institutions
    • Introduction of gender-sensitive project management within the framework of projects to be implemented by the state
    • Gender-segregated statistics on all activities in the arts and culture sector and their publication
    • Expansion and long-term safeguarding of Upper Austrian networking initiatives for women in art and culture

    We welcome the recognition of childcare periods in talent promotion bonuses as a first step in the right direction. With regard to the different life plans of men and women, unpaid activities that maintain the structure (e.g. caring for relatives) still need to be taken into account.

    The "implementation of the state concept of gender mainstreaming in all areas" also applies to the outsourced state institutions (such as the state theater, OK-Centrum für Gegenwartskunst).

    The state policy is required to set appropriate guidelines for its own institutions.

    On 6.12. Special target groups
    The term "target group" considers the population groups listed exclusively as cultural consumers and not as active creators.
    We suggest a new heading: "Promoting the active participation of special population groups". If special target groups are already listed and summarized in one point, then people with a non-heterosexual orientation should also be mentioned here.We suggest turning 6.12. into two points:
    Firstly, it is about the recipients of art and culture. As such, the members of the population groups mentioned here - as already stated in the measures and objectives - should be taken into account. Secondly, it is about the active promotion of people working in the arts and culture, which are summarized under this