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UNRULY THOUGHTS - On feminisms and beyond

UNRULY THOUGHTS - On feminisms and beyond

This book is published on the occasion of the international online festival UNRULY THOUGHTS. On feminisms and beyond (January 27 – 29, 2022). https://unruly-thoughts.com

With contributions by:

Poetra Asantewa
Comfort Arthur
Nadia Denton
Zainab Floyd
Anna Maria Gehnyei
Marie-Edwige Hartig
Donna P. Hope
Selly Raby Kane
Robyn Lee
Sandra Manuel
Tabara Korka Ndiaye
Christelle Oyiri
Koleka Putuma
Minna Salami
Jerneja Zavec, et al.

Feminist discourse in Europe is predominantly characterized by white feminism; Black voices and voices with international histories are often left out and experience little representation in the occidental mainstream. The collective work Unruly Thoughts. On feminisms and beyond is made of poems, stories, essays, interviews, and academic works by thinkers and artists worldwide and contributes contemporary perspectives with a focus on countries in Africa and the African diaspora.

Published by FIFTITU% and JAAPO - für Partizipation von Women of Color

Edited by Sandra Krampelhuber and Tina Reif

Foto: Rebekka Hochreiter