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FIFTITU% participated on April 25 and 26, 2003 in

"Clear the way!" - a project in the urban space of Linz

Only those who can participate in the public sphere can have a say and a say. "Weg frei!" was a joint project of various organizations in the Linz area, which aims to address the inner-city space (buildings, facilities, infrastructure) with regard to usability for ALL. The diverse disabilities in our society were highlighted in a creative way. The project took place on April 25 and 26, 2003 in the inner city area of Linz.

In the mobile women's space "Trans.Modul", activists from the networking center for women in art and culture together with female artists shed light on the power and exclusion mechanisms of language.

  • Who is excluded by language and how?
  • What power does language have?
  • Who/what is eloquent?

The aim of the artistic exploration was to directly involve passers-by with the aim of making them aware of their own everyday use of language.