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Break it Down

Break it Down

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In early December, we attended the 4th annual conference of the Austrian Society for Gender Studies entitled UN|GLEICHHEITEN REVISITED - Conceptions and Interventions of Critical Gender Studies. In addition to numerous speakers, Nikita Dhawan, Professor of Political Theory at the University of Innsbruck, also gave a lecture. We listen to a recording of her lecture "Transnational Justice and Gendered Vulnerability: Feminist Politics and (Im)possible Solidarities". This article is in English.


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At the beginning of December, we also attended the Inter*Trans*Theme Evening at Moviemento in Linz. The Inter*Trans*Theme Evening was an opportunity to get information, ask questions and find out about current developments. As intersex and trans identity are still taboo topics in our society, such events are essential. Tobias Humer from Verein Intergeschlechtlicher Menschen Österreich (VIMÖ) and Anton Wittmann from Trans*Beratung der HOSI Salzburg gave a talk on intersex and trans identity.


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"The Teaches of Peaches" - the message of Peaches is lightly packaged heavy fare. On stage, the Canadian electroclash singer rages for equality, against sexism, homophobia and machismo. Her shows are trashy, punky and sexy. In November, she played at the Reitschule Dachstock in Bern. Merrill Beth Nisker, alias Peaches, has just turned 50. Steven Götz asked her what the most important "lessons learned" have been in her 50 years of life so far

We took over this contribution from Radio RaBe in Bern, Steven Götz produced it.


NEWS "5-2 Minutes"- feminist news

We welcome the adoption of two new acts in Malta which protect LGBTQI* people in the country, particularly by depathologizing trans identities and banning conversions therapies.

The French National Assembly has approved a plan to ban abortion information websites that masquerade as neutral, official services with freephone helpline numbers but promote anti-abortion propaganda and pressure women not to terminate pregnancies.

Starting in 2018, black activist and entrepreneur Viola Desmond will appear on the Canadian ten dollar bill, replacing Canada's first Prime Minister Sir John A. MacDonald.

Music (CC)

Illustration / Stencil: Helga Schager
