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Zum Inter*Trans*Themenabend

Zum Inter*Trans*Themenabend

squeezed up

The Marianne.von.Willemer Prize for Digital Media is a direct promotion of female artists. The City of Linz wants to support women who use digital media as a means of artistic expression and at the same time give them the opportunity to present their work to the public. The award is endowed with EUR 3,600 and is presented every two years by the Women's Office of the City of Linz in cooperation with the Ars Electronica Center and with the support of dorf TV.

We listen to the artist Kathrin Stumreich on "What would Ted Kaczynski's daughter do...?". She spoke about her work at the award ceremony on November 3 in the Sky Loft of the Ars Electronica Center. Excerpts from the award-winning work can also be heard. We also hear the laudatory speech by Silvia Keller, one of the jurors.



Eight months after the murder of Honduran activist Berta Cáceres, the repression against her organization COPINH continues. Neither the government nor the authorities have yet responded to the demand to allow an independent investigation into her murder. Karla Lara, Honduran singer, author and part of the Honduran Network for Human Rights Defenders was present on October 20 when the right to peaceful demonstrations enshrined in the constitution was once again suspended and police units used tear gas against a protest march for no apparent reason. In the feature, she shares her impressions, makes accusations and raises questions.

We took this feature from Radio LOHRO in Rostock, our colleague Momo produced it.


squeezed up

The Inter*Trans*Themed Evening offers the opportunity to gather information, ask questions and receive information about current developments. The aim of the event is to break down prejudices, facilitate encounters and reduce discrimination

We spoke to Tobias Humer from VIMÖ - Verein Intergeschlechtlicher Menschen Österreich, about what exactly will happen on December 3 at the Inter*Trans*Themenabend at Movimento in Linz.


NEWS "5-2 Minutes"- feminist news

The #OhneUnsVielSpaß initiative is now petitioning the state government to examine the fairness of the distribution of tax amounts in terms of "gender budgeting" and to optimize them with regard to gender equality. The initiative, which was founded on the occasion of the Upper Austrian state government taking office without women at the time, is campaigning for financial fairness in Upper Austria and is asking for your support by signing the petition, which can be found at


served and decorated

From December 1 to 3, 2016, the 4th Annual Conference of the Austrian Society for Gender Studies will take place. This year's conference is entitled UN/GLEICHHEITEN REVISITED - Conceptions and Interventions of Critical Gender Studies. The lectures will take place at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and the evening program at the University of Art and Design Linz

On December 3, the Inter*Trans*Themed Evening will take place at Movimento in Linz. Starting at 5 pm, there will be keynote speeches by Tobias Humer from Verein Intergeschlechtlicher Menschen Österreich and Michaela Lindmoser from Trans*Beratung der HOSI Linz. At 7 pm there will be film screenings followed by a discussion. The films "Herma XXY - intersex" and "Mathias" will be shown. Admission is free of charge!

On November 8, 2016 Feminismus und Krawall and the T.K.Tanz association are once again organizing a Protestlabor DJ. The end of the year will be celebrated under the title "Empfängnis-Fest". The Working Space will take place from 5 to 8 pm and there will be open decks from 8 pm to open end. All this at the University of Art and Design Linz Domgasse 1 - in the time-based living room on the 4th floor.

The music (CC) in the program comes from Mansplaining on the Dancefloor.
