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(A)Typisch Frau – Zwischen allen Stühlen

(A)Typisch Frau – Zwischen allen Stühlen

Atypical employment relationships for women in art and culture


For all those who missed the extremely informative conference on atypical employment relationships for women in the arts and culture sector on May 4, 2002 in Linz, there is now a comprehensive documentation
In addition to all the presentations (tax law, trade license yes or no, insurance options, childcare allowance, artists' insurance, problems for migrants and social framework conditions for atypical employment), it contains a detailed list of literature on the subject and advice and contact points that can provide specific information.

A separate text section by sociologist Andrea Schrattenecker deals with general theoretical and social aspects of atypical employment, i.e. with questions such as:

What conditions and interests have led to the development of atypical employment relationships, and what are the reasons for the sharp increase in these? What are the dangers (with regard to those affected) and what are the opportunities of atypical employment relationships? What is the general direction of the development of work and the labor market? (Trends and prospects)
What does this mean for women in particular?

The documentation was published at the end of June 2002 and can be ordered from the association FIFTITU% - Vernetzungsstelle für Frauen in Kunst und Kultur in OÖ for 10 EURO .
